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Trackgenix 🚀​

“TRACKGENIX” is a revolutionary system designed for GigaTech Software Solutions SA. This system will allow them to efficiently manage their proyects, schedule flow, selected work teams and much more.

Project 📑​

This project is part of the bootcamp "Become a Software Professional" of Radium Rocket. August 2022

How to Open ​ 📂​

1- In GitHub repository open the folder "Semana-01"
2- Open the file Index.html on your browser

Webside 🔎​

Here you can see the webside, using GitHub Pages!

Cloning Repo 📥

If you want to work or download this project:

1- On, visit the repositorys home page.

2- Above the list of files, click Code.

3- Copy the repository URL.

4- Open GitBash

5- Change the current working directory to the location where you want to clone the directory.

6- Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied earlier.

$ git clone

7- Press Enter

Technology 💻​

In the develope of “TRACKGENIX” we use a lot of technology:

We will add more as we use new apps

Aplication LINK
Visual Code


Week 1 📅​

We create the web screenflow in figma. We divide the work in groups and by roles on the page such as:

  • Admin
  • Super-Admin
  • Employee
  • Employee PM (Project Manager)
  • Landing
I work whit my teammates in Admin and Super-Admin screens

Week 2 📅​

The problem of week 02 consists of creating an HTML document that has the same content as the landing of the screenflow of the first week, respecting the semantic elements of HTML and saving the progress in a public Github repository.

The work done can be seen in the file "index.html"

Week 3 📅​

The problem of week 03 consists of including the styles corresponding to the HTML structure of week 02 to achieve that when viewing the page. The landing has to be visualized as accurately as possible to the one designed in figma, even with their respective functions.

The work done can be seen in the file "style.css"

Week 4 📅​

For the week 04 we had to replicate the landing page of the screenflow of week 01 using Flexbox as the main tool for the creation of a Responsive Design following the concept of Mobile First.

To work on the css we had to split the sections into different files respectively to style them. For example main.css, footer.css or aside.css.

Week 5 📅​

In this week we start learn and use JavaScript. The activity was that we had to improve what was done in week four with the corrections they gave us. Secondly, they gave us a series of exercises to solve in javascript, applying what was learned in class and with the material. All Javascript files must be linked to the “index.html” file through the <script> tag. The structure of the new folder should look like this:

index.html exercises/

  • 01_variables_and_operators.js
  • 02_strings.js
  • 03_arrays.js
  • 04_if_else.js
  • 05_for.js
  • 06_functions.js

The page i work on

Week 6 📅​

In week six we worked more in depth with JavaScript, using the DOM interface (Document Object Model). The problem was to create the login and register pages in html and css respectively. Then with Js we had to do the validations in the forms. The validation of each field must be done in the "blur" event of each of the fields. In addition, if any field has a validation error, in the "focus" event of that field the message must disappear because it is assumed that the user is correcting the error.

The screens to develop were:


All fields are required.

  • [Email] - Must have a valid email format.
  • [Password] - Formed by letters and numbers.

Employee Signup

All fields are required.

  • [First Name] - Letters only and must have more than 3 letters.
  • [Surname] - Letters only and must have more than 3 letters.
  • [DNI] - Only number and must have more than 7 numbers.
  • [Date of Birth] - With format dd/mm/yyyy.
  • [Telephone] - Only number and must have 10 numbers.
  • [Adress] - At least 5 characters with letters, numbers and a space in the middle.
  • [City] - Alphanumeric text and must have more than 3 letters.
  • [PostCode] - Only number and must have between 4 and 5 numbers.
  • [Email] - Must be in a valid email format.
  • [Password] - At least 8 characters, consisting of letters and numbers.
  • [Repeat Password] - At least 8 characters, consisting of letters and numbers.

The page i work on

Week 7 📅​

This week's problem consists of extending the functionality of the forms created last week, by having the information uploaded in each form sent to a Web Server using Javascript's Fetch method. Depending on the result of that HTTP request, each form will display a different message. Information will also be stored in the LocalStorage to be used in the same forms at the time of loading each page.

In the request the form data must be sent as "query-params".


The page i work on

Week 8 📅​

Week 9 📅​

Week 10 📅​

Week 11 📅​

Week 12 📅​

Week 13 📅​

Week 14 📅​

Week 15 📅​

Made by Luciano Franchino


No description, website, or topics provided.






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