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Simple Docker

Introduction to docker. Developing a simple docker image for your own server.

Part 1. Ready-made docker

== Task ==

Take the official docker image from nginx and download it using docker pull.

$ docker pull nginx

docker pull

Check for the docker image with docker images

$ docker images

docker imgaes

Run docker image with docker run -d [image_id|repository]

$ docker run -d [image_id]

docker first run

Check that the image is running with docker ps

$ docker ps

docker ps

View container information with docker inspect [container_id|container_name]

$ docker inspect [image_id]

docker inspect

From the command output define and write in the report the container size, list of mapped ports and container ip

Or you may use $ docker container ls -s to check container parameters

docker ls

Stop docker image with docker stop [container_id|container_name]

$ docker stop [image_id]

docker stop

Check that the image has stopped with docker ps

$ docker ps

docker ps

Run docker with mapped ports 80 and 443 on the local machine with run command

$ docker run --name my-nginx2 -p 80:80 -p 443:80 -d [image_name]

docker full run

after it you can check which ports it's using

$ docker container ls -s

docker check ports

Check that the nginx start page is available in the browser at localhost:80

after all of that you should see the nginx start page on localhost:80 and localhost:443 in browser

Restart docker container with docker restart [container_id|container_name]

$ docker restart [container_id]

docker restart

Check in any way that the container is running

$ docker container ls -s

docker check

Part 2. Operations with container

Docker image and container are ready. Now we can look into nginx configuration and display page status.

== Task ==

Read the nginx.conf configuration file inside the docker container with the exec command

$ docker exec -it [container_id] /bin/bash

docker exec

# cd etc/nginx

path to nginx.conf

Create a nginx.conf file on a local machine

# touch nginx.conf

create nginx.conf

Configure it on the /status path to return the nginx server status page

First, you should check, where is nginx status page locates. You can find it in conf.d/default.conf in same directory as nginx.conf.

index.html contains in /usr/share/ngninx/html by default

locate status page

Then copy

user  nginx;
worker_processes  auto;

error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log notice;
pid        /var/run/;

events {
    worker_connections  1024;

http {
    include       /etc/nginx/mime.types;
    default_type  application/octet-stream;

    log_format  main  '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" '
                      '$status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" '
                      '"$http_user_agent" "$http_x_forwarded_for"';

    access_log  /var/log/nginx/access.log  main;

    sendfile        on;
    #tcp_nopush     on;

    keepalive_timeout  65;

    include /etc/nginx/default.d/*.conf;

    #gzip  on;
    server {
        listen       80;
        listen  [::]:80;
        server_name  localhost;

    location / {
            root   /usr/share/nginx/html;

        location /status {
            root   /usr/share/nginx/html/;
            index  index.html;
        allow all;

        error_page   500 502 503 504  /50x.html;
        location = /50x.html {
                root   /usr/share/nginx/html;



to your ngnix.conf file

Copy the created nginx.conf file inside the docker image using the docker cp command

$ docker cp nginx.conf CONTAINER_ID:path

cp nginx.conf

Before you apply changes you can use # nginx -t in container to check them.

check changes in nginx.conf

Restart nginx inside the docker image with exec

Then you can use

$ docker exec -it [container_id] nginx -s reload

Check that localhost:80/status returns the nginx server status page

Afeter reloading you shoul see on localhost:80/status this content:

nginx status page

Export the container to a container.tar file with the export command

$ docker export CONTAINER_ID > filename.tar

export container

Stop the container

$ docker stop CONTAINER_ID

stop container

Delete the image with docker rmi [image_id|repository]without removing the container first

$ docker image ls to show list of installed images

$ docker rmi -f IMAGE_ID

rm image

Delete stopped container

$ docker ps -a list of all containers

list containers

$ docker rm CONTAINER_ID

rm container

Import the container back using the importcommand

$ docker import filename.tar

importing container

Run the imported container
Check that localhost:80/status returns the nginx server status page
  • Add the following screenshots to the report:
    • the call and output of all commands used in this part of the task;
    • the contents of the created nginx.conf file;
    • the nginx server status page at localhost:80/status.

Part 3. Mini web server

It's time to take a little break from the docker to prepare for the last stage. It's time to write your own server.

== Task ==

Write a mini server in C and FastCgi that will return a simple page saying Hello World!
Run the written mini server via spawn-fcgi on port 8080
Write your own nginx.conf that will proxy all requests from port 81 to
Check that browser on localhost:81 returns the page you wrote
Put the nginx.conf file under ./nginx/nginx.conf (you will need this later)

Part 4. Your own docker

Now everything is ready. You can start writing the docker image for the created server.

== Task ==

When writing a docker image avoid multiple calls of RUN instructions

Write your own docker image that:

1) builds mini server sources on FastCgi from [Part 3](#part-3-mini- web-server)
2) runs it on port 8080
3) copies inside the image written ./nginx/nginx.conf
4) runs nginx.

nginx can be installed inside the docker itself, or you can use a ready-made image with nginx as base.

Build the written docker image with docker build, specifying the name and tag
Check with docker images that everything is built correctly
Run the built docker image by mapping port 81 to 80 on the local machine and mapping the ./nginx folder inside the container to the address where the nginx configuration files are located (see [Part 2](#part-2-operations-with


Check that the page of the written mini server is available on localhost:80
Add proxying of /status page in ./nginx/nginx.conf to return the nginx Яserver status
Restart docker image

*If everything is done correctly, after saving the file and restarting the container, the configuration file inside the docker image should update itself without any extra steps

Check that localhost:80/status now returns a page with nginx status

Part 5. Dockle

Once you've written the image, it's never a bad idea to check it for security.

== Task ==

Check the image from the previous task with dockle [image_id|repository]
Fix the image so that there are no errors or warnings when checking with dockle

Part 6. Basic Docker Compose

There, you've finished your warm-up. Wait a minute though... Why not try experimenting with deploying a project consisting of several docker images at once?

== Task ==

Write a docker-compose.yml file, using which:
1) Start the docker container from Part 5 (it must work on local network, i.e., you don't need to use EXPOSE instruction and map ports to local machine)
2) Start the docker container with nginx which will proxy all requests from port 8080 to port 81 of the first container
Map port 8080 of the second container to port 80 of the local machine
Stop all running containers
Build and run the project with the docker-compose build and docker-compose up commands
Check that the browser returns the page you wrote on localhost:80 as before

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School 21. Simple docker







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