This program optimises a Bell scenario using a seesaw method in order to find Mutually Unbiased Bases (MUBs).
In order to use this program, a working installation of MOSEK is required, alongside a valid license installed to a valid location. See the MOSEK documentation for installation instructions. They offer a free license for academics. Once MOSEK is installed, the BASH variable $MSKHOME should be set to be the directory containing the "mosek" folder.
You also need make and g++ (in case they aren't installed already):
sudo apt-get install make g++
To download this repo somewhere:
git clone
To then compile the binaries, first enter this new directory, then enter the code directory and run make:
cd seesaw/code
To use the method to check for the existence of 2 MUBs in dimension 3:
./seesaw -d 3 -n 2
For other options, see the help:
./seesaw -h