PHP, Apache, MySQL, phpunit.
To set the project just clone with git:
git clone
Import data base file hero_game.sql in phpmyadmin:
Change data base conections creditials with yours in php file class database.php
function __construct() {
$this->conn = false;
$this->servername = "localhost"; // your sql server name
$this->username = "root"; // your sql server name
$this->password = ""; // your sql server password
$this->dbname = "hero_game";
Run the game in browser and just click button "next turn".
How to run test:
C:\wamp64\www\new-php-rpg-hero-game>vendor\bin\phpunit --verbose tests\GameTest
cd \wamp64\www\new-php-rpg-hero-game
vendor\bin\phpunit --verbose tests\GameTest
Comand to run all tests at once:
vendor\bin\phpunit --verbose tests