This is an official PyTorch implementation of paper "Interpretable Signed Link Prediction with Signed Infomax Hyperbolic Graph"
python 3.7.3
texttable 1.5.0
tqdm 4.32.1
numpy 1.15.4
scikit-learn 0.1.2
scipy 1.3.0
sklearn 0.20.0
torch 1.4.0
torch-scatter 2.0.4
torch-sparse 0.6.1
torch-cluster 1.5.4
torch-geometric 1.5.0
torchvision 0.5.0
tensorboardX 1.8
Put the edge source files in ./input
To run SIHG model with the default setting:
python src/
We save the embedding and evaluation scores as scalar in ./src/logs