An OpenGL 2.1 NxNxN Cube Twisty Puzzle Simulator
This application uses keyboard controls and is meant to feel somewhat intuitive to speed cubers who know how to touch type with a QWERTY layout keyboard.
j Rotate active top layer clockwise
f Rotate active top layer counter-clockwise
i Rotate active right layer clockwise
k Rotate active right layer counter-clockwise
d Rotate active left layer clockwise
e Rotate active left layer counter-clockwise
s Rotate active bottom layer clockwise
l Rotate active bottom layer counter-clockwise
w Rotate active back layer clockwise
o Rotate active back layer counter-clockwise
h Rotate active front layer clockwise
g Rotate active front layer counter-clockwise
; Rotate entire cube clockwise on y-axis
a Rotate entire cube counter-clockwise on y-axis
p Rotate entire cube clockwise on z-axis
q Rotate entire cube counter-clockwise on z-axis
b Rotate entire cube clockwise on x-axis
y Rotate entire cube counter-clockwise on x-axis
= Zoom in
- Zoom Out
arrows Rotate camera around cube
Backspace Reset Camera
esc Exit application
tab Scramble Cube
Create a new cube twisty puzzle with the dimensions NxNxN
l-shift - Move active layer out by 1
r-shift - Move active layer in by 1
git clone --recursive
mkdir Cube-Simulator/build
cd Cube-Simulator/build
cmake ..
git clone --recursive
mkdir Cube-Simulator/build
cd Cube-Simulator/build
cmake .. -G'MSYS Makefiles' -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET='x64-mingw-dynamic'
"Clone Repository" ->
Double click on Cube Simulator in Solution Explorer
"Select Startup Item" -> "CubeSimulator.exe"
"Build" -> "CubeSimulator.exe"