Saker is a flexible penetrate testing auxiliary suite.
brief introduction for support features:
- scan website
- infomation gathering
- framework fingerprint
- fuzz web request
- SQL injection
- ...
- subdomain gathering
- port scanner
- bruteforce
- web dir
- zip password
- domain
- ...
- auxiliary servers
- dns rebinding
- ssrf
- xss
- third party api integration
- censys
- crtsh
- fofa
- github
- shodan
- sqlmap
- threadcrowd
- ...
pip install -U git+
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
pip install Saker
add /path/to/saker to PYTHONPATH
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/saker:$PYTHONPATH
from saker.core.scaner import Scanner
s = Scanner("")
s.scan(filename="index.php", ext="php")
or by shell
python -m saker scan
usage: [options]
Saker Scanner
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --scan run with list model
-f file, --file file scan specific file
-e ext, --ext ext scan specific ext
-i, --info get site info
-u URL, --url URL define specific url
-p PROXY, --proxy PROXY
proxy url
-t INTERVAL, --timeinterval INTERVAL
scan time interval, random sleep by default
from saker.core.mutator import Mutator
options = {
"url": "",
"params": {
"test": "test"
m = Mutator(options)
m.fuzz('params', 'test')
or by shell
python -m saker fuzz
usage: [options]
Saker Fuzzer
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URL, --url URL define specific url
-m METHOD, --method METHOD
request method, use get as default
-p PARAMS, --params PARAMS
request params, use empty string as default
-d DATA, --data DATA request data, use empty string as default
request headers, use empty string as default
-c COOKIES, --cookies COOKIES
request cookies, use empty string as default
-P PART, --part PART fuzz part, could be url / params / data / ...
-k KEY, --key KEY key to be fuzzed
-v VULN, --vuln VULN Vulnarability type to be fuzzed
-t INTERVAL, --timeinterval INTERVAL
scan time interval, random sleep by default
python -m saker port
usage: [options]
Saker Port Scanner
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TARGET, --target TARGET
define scan target
-b, --background run port scanner in background with unix daemon, only
support unix platform
from saker.fuzzer.code import Code
payload = Code.fuzzErrorUnicode(payload)
from saker.fuzzers.ssi import SSI
payloads = [i for i in SSI.fuzz()]
from saker.brute.dir import DirBrute
dirBrute = DirBrute("php", "index.php")
paths = dirBrute.weakfiles()
now support brute http basic auth, ftp, mysql, ssh, telnet, zipfile...
from saker.api.crtsh import crtsh
from saker.api.dnsdumper import DNSdumpster
from saker.api.githubapi import GithubAPI
g = GithubAPI()
from saker.api.sqlmap import SQLMap
options = {"url": ""}
import requests
from saker.handler.htmlHandler import HTMLHandler
r = requests.get("")
h = HTMLHandler(r.text)
The world’s leading software development platform · GitHub
['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
from saker.servers.socket.dnsrebinding import RebindingServer
values = {
'result': ['', ''],
'index': 0
dnsServer = RebindingServer(values)
APK analyze
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome.
Feel free to check issues page if you want to contribute.
This project is for educational purposes only. Do not test or attack any system with this tool unless you have explicit permission to do so.
Please star this repository if this project helped you.
If you face any issue, you can create a new issue in the Issues Tab and I will be glad to help you out.
Copyright © 2019-2021 Lyle.
This project is GPLv3 licensed.