Overview: It's concerned with Arabic literature. It assumes a business model that enables you to order a specific piece of literature to be printed with especial colors and font. Then it'll be delivered to the customer, with the ability for the customer to follow up the process. And for special customers, it provides them with the ability to make bulk orders fast and easy. And if they’re willing to signup, they can review all of their past orders.
The project's goal is to migrate "Adeeb اديب"'s SPA frontend to render as SSR with Astro.
Tech Stack:
- Full TypeScript
- Vite
- Vuejs
- Astro
- Docker Containerization for production
- form validation with Vee-validate & Yup
- JWT authentication and authorization
- Documentation with TSdoc
- Dark/Light Theme
- Internationalization
- Vitest for Component testing and In-source unit testing.
- CI using Github actions for testing
- ... and more
Overview, and file structure:
./github for Github actions
./assets for our base.css and mixins.scss
./components for our reusable Vuejs components across the app.
./composables for Vuejs composables.
./pages every pages defines a route and what it should render.
./clientPages full Vuejs pages that goes for full reactivity when rendered and doesn't need to be searchable or SEO optimized.
./stores for to manage our app state, logic and api requests, while leveraging its reactivity with @vue/reactivity package.
./utils shared utilities across the app
.env.example as example for ENVs.
astro.config.mjs for Astro configs.
Dockerfile, .dockerignore and compose.example.yaml for production containerization.
tsconfig.json for TypeScript config.
vitest.config.js for Vitest config.