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Reflector is a unique tower defense game where the player uses lasers and reflections to defend their base.


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A tower defense game about lasers and reflections.

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Reflector is a tower defense game where the towers all shoot lasers. Your goal is to position and aim your lasers in such a way that they reflect off the silver reflectors around the map and destroy your enemies.

While the premise might sound simple, Reflector's difficulty lies in two places. Firstly, there are four different kinds of lasers and many different kinds of enemies. Different lasers do better against different enemies, so studying the map and the waves is important. Furthermore, money is limited. Often the player will be required to sell and reposition towers in order to defend from the horde of enemies.

If you're interested, check out the


This app was built from the ground up with vanilla JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. I wrote a simple Python script to convert images made in Photoshop into the JavvaScript code needed, but that is the only exception.


Accurate Collision Detection

Image of collision detection

Because I did not use any external libraries, I had to roll my own collision detection system. What I ended up implementing was a form of the Separated Axis Theorem. I considered using AABB, but wanted to have the ability for arbitrary polygonal colliders, thus the SAT collision.

isCollidingWith(other) {
  let collider1 = this;
  let collider2 = other;

  let overlap = Infinity;
  let minimumAxis = null;

  // Calculate collisions
  for (let i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
    const numVerts = collider1.vertices.length;

    for (let v = 0; v < numVerts; ++v) {
      const vec = collider1.vertices[(v + 1) % numVerts].sub(collider1.vertices[v]);
      let norm = vec.normal().unit();
      const diff = other.pos.sub(this.pos);
      if ( > 0) {
        norm = norm.inv();

      let max1 = -Infinity;
      let max2 = -Infinity;
      let min1 = Infinity;
      let min2 = Infinity;

      // Collider 1
      collider1.vertices.forEach(vert => {
        const prod =;
        max1 = Math.max(max1, prod);
        min1 = Math.min(min1, prod);

      // Collider 2
      collider2.vertices.forEach(vert => {
        const prod =;
        max2 = Math.max(max2, prod);
        min2 = Math.min(min2, prod);

      const newOverlap = Math.min(max1, max2) - Math.max(min1, min2);
      if (newOverlap < overlap) {
        overlap = newOverlap;
        minimumAxis = norm;

      if (!(max1 > min2 && min1 < max2)) {
        return false;

    collider1 = other;
    collider2 = this;

  this.collisions.push(new Collider.Collision(this, other, overlap, minimumAxis));
  this.numCollisions += 1;

  return true;


Image of raycasting with reflections

Accurate raycasting and reflections was an essential feature to the game. After implementing SAT collision, I realized that I would need to separately implement raycasting. So I did some research and discovered the ray marching algorithm. I had to make some modifications to the algorithm, since a traditional raycasting algorithm stops on first contact. I needed mine to bounce, so that was an additional challenge.

// Modified ray marching algorithm that bounces around
bounceCast(bounceLayer) {
  this.collisions = []; // Track all the collisions we encounter
  this.steps = [];
  this.numCollisions = 0;

  // We use the first vector in our model as the direction
  let dir = this.model[0].unit();
  let dist = 0;
  let point = this.pos;

  // Apply the first step of the ray marching algorithm
  // Calculate the minimum distance to the closest collider
  let min = this.minDistToLine(point);

  let steps = 1000; // We don't want the algorithm to continue forever

  // We cap the ray both on distance and number of steps
  while (dist < 10000 && steps > 0) {
    this.steps.push([point, min]);

    // min represents the distance to our closest collider
    // If it is less than some threshold, we consider ourselves to be colliding
    // Using a threshold is important to prevent accidentally going through a
    // collider instead of bouncing off it
    if (min <= precision) {
      let exit = true; // Assume we are done tracing

      // Iterate through our most recent collisions
      this.lastHits.forEach(lastCollision => {
        const lastHit = lastCollision.colliderHit;
        // We only collide with colliders in the specified bounce layer
        if (lastHit.layer === bounceLayer) {
          exit = false; // We collided, so we must continue calculating

          // Get the endpoints of the edge we collided with
          const [a, b] = lastCollision.edgeHit;

          // Calculate the vector representing the edge
          const edge = a.sub(b);
          let norm = edge.normal(); // Get the normal of said edge

          // To avoid issues with flipped normals
          if ( > 0) {
            norm = norm.inv();

          // Calculate the bounce direction
          let newDir = dir.vectorProj(edge).sub(dir.vectorProj(norm));

          dir = newDir.unit(); // Set the bounce direction

          // Increase the current min enough to "escape" the current edge
          if (min <= precision) min = 5 * precision;

      if (exit) break; // Stop calculating if we did not collide

    // Step in the current direction by the current minimum
    point = point.add(dir.scale(min));
    dist += min; // Add to our distance
    min = this.minDistToLine(point); // Recalculate the minimum distance


Reflector is a unique tower defense game where the player uses lasers and reflections to defend their base.





