This module can be used to convert drones observations in MAGDA format into ascii WRF format.
is already present in /data/safe/home/wrfprod/bin/dr2w
This module implements a console command that can be used to convert observations from CSV to ascii WRF format.
Usage of dr2w
Usage: dr2w [options] <inputfile> <outputfile>
-c string
config file to use (default "~/.magda_drones2wrf.yaml")
- is the path of the dataset source in csv format. You can see an example of the format here
- is the path of WRF ascii file to create.
- An example of the configuration file is available here
If not already installed, follow the instructions here to install the Go Workbench:: Install-go-environment
Clone this repository
git clone
cd magda_drones2wrf
- Compile the executable with this command:
go build ./cli/dr2w