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Benteng Ma committed Mar 11, 2024
1 parent 109201a commit a274cdc
Showing 1 changed file with 0 additions and 269 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -77,26 +77,6 @@ def load_face_classifier_model():

model = load_face_classifier_model()

# # setups
# face_th_rate = 0.05
# thresholds_mask = [
# 0.5, 0.75, 0.25, 0.5, # 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5,
# ]
# thresholds_pred = [
# 0.6, 0.8, 0.1, 0.5,
# ]
# erosion_iterations = 1
# dilation_iterations = 1
# colour_distance_rate = 1.2
# categories = ['hair', 'hat', 'glasses', 'face',]
# cat_layers = 4

# # prepare hair colour table
# r = rospkg.RosPack()
# image_dict = load_images_to_dict(path.join(r.get_path(
# "colour_estimation"), "hair_colours"))
# hair_colour_table = generate_colour_table(image_dict, SPESIFIC_COLOURS)

def pad_image_to_even_dims(image):
# Get the current shape of the image
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,110 +124,6 @@ def extract_mask_region(frame, mask, expand_x=0.5, expand_y=0.5):
return None

# def process_head(head_frame, model, thresholds_mask, erosion_iterations, dilation_iterations, thresholds_pred):
# """
# Processes the head frame to extract class counts and color information for head-related classes.

# Args:
# - head_frame (np.ndarray): The head frame extracted by the BodyPix model.
# - model: A PyTorch model instance for classifying and predicting masks for head features.
# - thresholds_mask, erosion_iterations, dilation_iterations: Thresholds and iteration counts for binary erosion and dilation.
# - thresholds_pred: A list of prediction thresholds.

# Returns:
# - Tuple[dict, dict]: A tuple containing two dictionaries:
# - head_class_count: A dictionary with counts for each head-related class.
# - head_class_colours: A dictionary with color information for each head-related class.
# """
# head_class_count = {
# 'hair': 0,
# 'hat': 0,
# 'glasses': 0,
# }
# head_class_colours = {
# 'hair': {},
# 'hat': {},
# 'glasses': {},
# }

# if head_frame is not None:
# # try:
# # r = rospkg.RosPack()
# # _head_frame_bgr = cv2.cvtColor(head_frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
# # cv2.imwrite(path.join(r.get_path("lasr_vision_feature_extraction"), 'head_frame.jpg'), _head_frame_bgr)
# # except Exception as ignore:
# # pass

# # Convert head frame to PyTorch tensor and normalize
# head_frame_tensor = torch.from_numpy(head_frame).permute(2, 0, 1).unsqueeze(0).float() / 255.0
# masks_batch_pred, pred_classes = model(head_frame_tensor)

# # Apply binary erosion and dilation to the masks
# processed_masks = binary_erosion_dilation(
# masks_batch_pred, thresholds=thresholds_mask,
# erosion_iterations=erosion_iterations, dilation_iterations=dilation_iterations
# )
# masks = processed_masks.detach().squeeze(0).numpy().astype(np.uint8)
# mask_list = [masks[i,:,:] for i in range(masks.shape[0])]
# pred_classes = pred_classes.detach().squeeze(0).numpy()

# # Determine if each class is present
# class_list = [pred_classes[i].item() > thresholds_pred[i] for i in range(pred_classes.shape[0])]

# # Update class count
# for each_class, k in zip(class_list[0:3], ['hair', 'hat', 'glasses']):
# head_class_count[k] = int(each_class)

# # Update class colours
# for f, each_mask, k, c_map in zip([head_frame, head_frame, head_frame], mask_list[0:2], ['hair', 'hat', 'glasses'], [SPESIFIC_COLOURS, DETAILED_COLOURS, DETAILED_COLOURS]):
# colours = count_colours_in_masked_area(f, each_mask, c_map, sort=True)[1]
# # colours = [c in ]
# for colour in colours:
# head_class_colours[k][colour[0]] = colour[1]
# # if colour[0] not in head_class_colours[k]:
# # head_class_colours[k][colour[0]] = [colour[1]]
# # else:
# # head_class_colours[k][colour[0]].append(colour[1])

# return head_class_count, head_class_colours

# def process_cloth(full_frame, torso_mask):
# """
# Processes the full frame with the torso mask to extract class counts and color information for cloth.

# Args:
# - full_frame (np.ndarray): The full original frame from the video source.
# - torso_mask (np.ndarray): The torso mask extracted by the BodyPix model.

# Returns:
# - Tuple[dict, dict]: A tuple containing two dictionaries:
# - cloth_class_count: A dictionary with counts for the cloth class.
# - cloth_class_colours: A dictionary with color information for the cloth class.
# """
# cloth_class_count = {
# 'cloth': 0,
# }
# cloth_class_colours = {
# 'cloth': {},
# }

# # Check if cloth is detected
# if torso_mask is not None and np.sum(torso_mask) >= 50:
# cloth_class_count['cloth'] = 1

# # Update cloth colours
# colours = count_colours_in_masked_area(full_frame, torso_mask, DETAILED_COLOURS, sort=True)[1]
# for colour in colours:
# cloth_class_colours['cloth'][colour[0]] = colour[1]
# # if colour[0] not in cloth_class_colours['cloth']:
# # cloth_class_colours['cloth'][colour[0]] = [colour[1]]
# # else:
# # cloth_class_colours['cloth'][colour[0]].append(colour[1])

# return cloth_class_count, cloth_class_colours

p = Predictor(model, torch.device('cpu'), CelebAMaskHQCategoriesAndAttributes)

Expand All @@ -262,148 +138,3 @@ def predict_frame(head_frame, torso_frame, full_frame, head_mask, torso_mask,):
rst = ImageOfPerson.from_parent_instance(p.predict(head_frame))

return rst.describe()

# # you can use this function directly for prediction.
# def predict_frame(head_frame, torso_frame, full_frame, head_mask, torso_mask, model, thresholds_mask, erosion_iterations, dilation_iterations, thresholds_pred):
# """
# Predicts classes and color information for a single processed video frame.

# Args:
# - head_frame (np.ndarray): The head frame extracted by the BodyPix model.
# - full_frame (np.ndarray): The full original frame from the video source.
# - head_mask (np.ndarray): The head mask extracted by the BodyPix model.
# - torso_mask (np.ndarray): The torso mask extracted by the BodyPix model.
# - model: A PyTorch model instance for classifying and predicting masks for head features.
# - thresholds_mask, erosion_iterations, dilation_iterations: Thresholds and iteration counts for binary erosion and dilation.
# - thresholds_pred: A list of prediction thresholds.

# Returns:
# - Tuple[dict, dict]: A tuple containing:
# - class_pred: A dictionary with predicted classes for the single frame.
# - colour_pred: A dictionary with predicted colors for the single frame.
# """
# class_count = {
# 'hair': 0,
# 'hat': 0,
# 'glasses': 0,
# 'cloth': 0,
# }
# class_colours = {
# 'hair': {},
# 'hat': {},
# 'glasses': {},
# 'cloth': {},
# }

# full_frame = cv2.cvtColor(full_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# head_frame = cv2.cvtColor(head_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# torso_frame = cv2.cvtColor(torso_frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

# head_frame = pad_image_to_even_dims(head_frame)
# torso_frame = pad_image_to_even_dims(torso_frame)

# # cv2 imshow is currently not working, not knowing why...
# # try:
# # r = rospkg.RosPack()
# # _full_frame_bgr = cv2.cvtColor(full_frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
# # cv2.imwrite(path.join(r.get_path("lasr_vision_feature_extraction"), 'full_frame.jpg'), _full_frame_bgr)
# # _head_frame_bgr = cv2.cvtColor(head_frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
# # cv2.imwrite(path.join(r.get_path("lasr_vision_feature_extraction"), 'head_frame.jpg'), _head_frame_bgr)
# # _torso_frame_bgr = cv2.cvtColor(torso_frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
# # cv2.imwrite(path.join(r.get_path("lasr_vision_feature_extraction"), 'torso_frame.jpg'), _torso_frame_bgr)
# # except Exception as ignore:
# # pass

# # Process head and cloth separately for the single frame
# head_class_count, head_class_colours = process_head(head_frame, model, thresholds_mask, erosion_iterations, dilation_iterations, thresholds_pred)
# cloth_class_count, cloth_class_colours = process_cloth(full_frame, torso_mask)

# # Update class counts and colours
# for k in head_class_count:
# class_count[k] = head_class_count[k]
# class_colours[k] = head_class_colours[k]

# class_count['cloth'] = cloth_class_count['cloth']
# class_colours['cloth'] = cloth_class_colours['cloth']

# # Compute final class predictions and colors for the single frame
# class_pred = {k: bool(class_count[k]) for k in class_count}
# colour_pred = {k: v for k, v in class_colours.items()}

# rospy.loginfo(str(class_colours['hair']))
# rospy.loginfo(str(hair_colour_table))

# # compare_colour_distributions([k,v class_colours['hair']], hair_colour_table)
# colour_pred['hair'] = compare_colour_distributions(class_colours['hair'], hair_colour_table)

# # class_pred, colour_pred = None, None

# return class_pred, colour_pred

# # if able to provide multiple frames (see __main__ seciton), then this should work better than the single frame version.
# def predict_frames(head_frames, torso_frames, full_frames, head_masks, torso_masks, model, thresholds_mask, erosion_iterations, dilation_iterations, thresholds_pred, SPESIFIC_COLOURS):
# """
# Predicts classes and color information for a sequence of processed video frames.

# Args:
# - head_frames (list[np.ndarray]): List of head frames extracted by the BodyPix model.
# - torso_frames (list[np.ndarray]): List of body frames extracted by the BodyPix model.
# - full_frames (list[np.ndarray]): List of full original frames from the video source.
# - head_masks (list[np.ndarray]): List of head masks extracted by the BodyPix model.
# - torso_masks (list[np.ndarray]): List of torso masks extracted by the BodyPix model.
# - model: A PyTorch model instance for classifying and predicting masks for head features.
# - thresholds_mask, erosion_iterations, dilation_iterations: Thresholds and iteration counts for binary erosion and dilation.
# - thresholds_pred: A list of prediction thresholds.
# - SPESIFIC_COLOURS: A dictionary of specific colors.

# Returns:
# - Tuple[dict, dict]: A tuple containing:
# - class_pred: A dictionary with predicted classes.
# - colour_pred: A dictionary with predicted colors.
# """
# total_class_count = {
# 'hair': [],
# 'hat': [],
# 'glasses': [],
# 'cloth': [],
# }
# total_class_colours = {
# 'hair': {},
# 'hat': {},
# 'glasses': {},
# 'cloth': {},
# }

# for head_frame, torso_frame, full_frame, head_mask, torso_mask in zip(head_frames, torso_frames, full_frames, head_masks, torso_masks):
# head_frame = pad_image_to_even_dims(head_frame)
# torso_frame = pad_image_to_even_dims(torso_frame)

# # Process head and cloth separately
# head_class_count, head_class_colours = process_head(head_frame, model, thresholds_mask, erosion_iterations, dilation_iterations, thresholds_pred)
# cloth_class_count, cloth_class_colours = process_cloth(full_frame, torso_mask)

# # Accumulate class counts and colours
# for k in head_class_count:
# total_class_count[k].append(head_class_count[k])
# if k in head_class_colours:
# for colour, count in head_class_colours[k].items():
# if colour not in total_class_colours[k]:
# total_class_colours[k][colour] = count
# else:
# total_class_colours[k][colour].extend(count)

# total_class_count['cloth'].append(cloth_class_count['cloth'])
# for colour, count in cloth_class_colours['cloth'].items():
# if colour not in total_class_colours['cloth']:
# total_class_colours['cloth'][colour] = count
# else:
# total_class_colours['cloth'][colour].extend(count)

# # Compute final class predictions and colors
# class_pred = {k: sum(v) >= len(v) / 2 for k, v in total_class_count.items()}
# colour_pred = average_colours_by_label(total_class_count, total_class_colours)

# return class_pred, colour_pred

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