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CLI to collapse Pango lineages up to user defined parent lineages for reporting.


Install from PYPI with pip.

pip install pango-collapse

Pull from Docker Hub.

docker pull wytamma/pango-collapse


pango-collapse takes a CSV file of SARS-CoV-2 samples (input.csv) with a column (default Lineage) indicating the compressed pango lineage of the samples (e.g. output from pangoLEARN, nextclade, USHER, etc).

$ cat input.csv
Sample Lineage
1 BA.5.2.1
2 BA.4.6
3 BE.1

pango-collapse will collapse lineages up to the first user defined parent lineage (specified in a text file with --collapse-file). If the sample lineage has no parent lineage in the user defined collapse file the original compressed lineage will be returned.

The highest level you can collapse up to is either A or B. Additionally, there is a special Recombinant lineage which can be used to collapse all recombinant lineages up to a single Recombinant group.

By default (i.e. if no collapse file is specified) pango-collapse uses the collapse file found here. This file is dependant on the version of pango-collapse, use --latest to load the latest version of the collapse file from github at run time.

Here is a simple example collapse file (collapse.txt) that will be used to collapse sublineages of BA.5 and BQ.1.

$ cat collapse.txt

pango-collapse will produce an output file which is a copy of the input file plus Lineage_full (the uncompressed lineage), Lineage_expanded (the expanded lineage format) and Lineage_family (the lineage collapsed up to) columns.

$ pango-collapse input.csv --collapse-file collapse.txt -o output.csv 

Alternatively you can use the --parent (-p) flag to specify the parent lineages to collapse up to.

$ pango-collapse input.csv -p BA.5 -p BQ.1 -o output.csv 
$ cat output.csv 
Sample Lineage Lineage_full Lineage_family Lineage_expanded
1 BA.5.2.1 B.1.1.529.5.2.1 BA.5 B.1.1.529:BA.5.2.1
2 BA.4.6 B.1.1.529.4.6 BA.4.6 B.1.1.529:BA.4.6
3 BE.1 B.1.1.529. BA.5 B.1.1.529:BA.5.3.1:BE.1

Here we can see that samples 1 and 3 were collapsed to BA.5. Sample 1 (BA.5.2.1) and 3 (BE.1) are both sublineages of BA.5 and BA.5 is returned in the Lineage_family column. None of the parents of BA.4.6 (sample 2) are in the collapse file and so the orginal lineage is returned. None of the samples match BQ.1 (the other lineage in the collapse file) and so it is ignored.

Expanded lineage format

The Lineage_expanded column contains the lineage in expanded format which provides complete lineage information and searchability.

B.1.1.529:BA.5.3.1:BE.1 == B.1.1.529. == BE.1

The delimiter (:) separates each alias level in the full lineage. You can determine the parental lineages of a lineage in expanded format by reading from right to left. For example, from the expanded lineage B.1.1.529:BA.5.3.1:BE.1 we can see that BE.1 comes from BA.5.3.1 which inturn comes from B.1.1.529.

Expanded lineages can be converted to full lineages by removing the delimiters and sub-lineage letters. Compressed lineages can be obtained by taking the final component of the expanded lineage.

$ echo "B.1.1.529:BA.5.3.1:BE.1" | sed -E 's/:[A-Z]+//g' 
B.1.1.529.  # full lineage
$ echo "B.1.1.529:BA.5.3.1:BE.1" | awk -F: '{print $NF}'
BE.1  # compressed lineage

Lineages to the right of a delimiter are equivalent (although the parental lineages are implicit).

B.1.1.529:BA.5.3.1:BE.1 == BA.5.3.1:BE.1 == BE.1

Lineages in expanded format are easily searched. Exact matches can be found by matching with the end of the expanded lineage e.g. using the regex $ anchor (:BE.1$ to exactly match BE.1). Sub-lineages can be found by simply checking if the expanded lineage contains the parental lineage of interest.

$ grep ":BA.5" output.csv  # find all BA.5 sub-lineages

Nextclade example

This example shows how to use some of the pango-collapse features by collapsing the Pango Lineages in the output from Nextclade.

Produce a nextclade.tsv file from a nextclade analysis (there is an example file in tests/data).

We are only interested in the major sub-lineages of omicron i.e. BA.1-BA.5. We can therefor make a collapse file with the following:

$ cat collapse.txt

Note: BA is an alias of B.1.1.529, however, as we have not included B.1.1.529 in our collapse file any samples designated B.1.1.529 will not be included.

Run the following command to collapse the omicron sub-lineages:

pango-collapse \
  -c collapse.txt \
  -o nextclade_collapsed_omicron.tsv \
  -l Nextclade_pango \
  --strict \

The -l (--lineage-column) flag tells pango-collapse to look for the compressed lineage in the Nextclade_pango column in the nextclade.tsv file.

The --strict tells pango-collapse to use strict mode i.e. only report lineages in the collapse file. If the lineage cannot be collapsed then no value is returned in the collapse column.

We can visualise the results in pandas:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv("nextclade_output.tsv", sep="\t")
df.Lineage_family.fillna('Other', inplace=True)

Hosting collapse files

You can host your own collapse files and then use them with pango-collapse to ensure that your reporting is always up to date. The simplest way to host a collapse file is on GitHub. You can then pass the url to pango-collapse using the --collapse-file (-c) flag.

pango-collapse \
  tests/data/input.csv \
  -c \
  -o collapsed.csv

This also has the advantage that non-technical users can update the collapse file without needing to interact with your reporting pipeline. For example, a genomic epidemiologist or government agency official could use the GitHub GUI to make a PR to your repository to add or remove lineages from the collapse file. Then the next time your pipeline runs it will pull in the updated collapse file.

Austrakka maintains Variant of Concern collapse files from several major public health agencies including the WHO, UKHSA, and the CDC. You can use these collapse files to report on the lineages of interest to these agencies.

# Collapse to the Variant of Concern lineages according to the CDC
pango-collapse tests/data/input.csv \
  -c \
  -o cdc_collapsed.csv \


 Usage: pango-collapse [OPTIONS] INPUT                                             
 Collapse Pango sublineages up to user defined parent lineages.                    
╭─ Arguments ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *    input      FILE  Path to input CSV/TSV with Lineage column.                │
│                       [default: None]                                           │
│                       [required]                                                │
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│    --output              -o      FILE  Path to output CSV/TSV with Lineage      │
│                                        column. If not supplied will print to    │
│                                        stdout.                                  │
│    --collapse-file       -c      PATH  Path or URL to collapse file with        │
│                                        lineages (one per line) to collapse up   │
│                                        to. Defaults to collapse file shipped    │
│                                        with this version of pango-collapse.     │
│    --parent              -p      TEXT  Parental lineage to collapse up to. Can  │
│                                        be used multiple times to collapse to    │
│                                        multiple lineages. If --collapse-file    │
│                                        is supplied parents will be appended to  |
|                                        the file.                                │
│    --lineage-column      -l      TEXT  Column to extract from input file for    │
│                                        lineage.                                 │
│                                        [default: Lineage]                       │
│    --full-column         -f      TEXT  Column to use for the uncompressed       │
│                                        output.                                  │
│                                        [default: Lineage_full]                  │
│    --collapse-column     -k      TEXT  Column to use for the collapsed output.  │
│                                        [default: Lineage_family]                │
|    --expand-column       -e      TEXT  Column to use for the expanded output.   |
|                                        [default: Lineage_expanded]              |
│    --alias-file          -a      PATH  Path to Pango Alias file for             │
│                                        pango_aliasor. Will download latest file │
│                                        if not supplied.                         │
│    --strict              -s            If a lineage is not in the collapse file │
│                                        return None instead of the compressed    │
│                                        lineage.                                 │
│    --latest              -u            Load the collapse from from a url        │
│                                        (--url).                                 │
│    --version             -v            Print the current version number and     │
│                                        exit.                                    │
│    --install-completion                Install completion for the current       │
│                                        shell.                                   │
│    --show-completion                   Show completion for the current shell,   │
│                                        to copy it or customize the              │
│                                        installation.                            │
│    --help                -h            Show this message and exit.              │