a material design, closed source offline based todo, notetaking app for android with Material You theming.
Website: https://todoifyweb.vercel.app
- Proper material design (MD3) with support for material you design
- Custom accent colours when dynamic colours are off.
- Fully offline based todo & note-taking app
- Simple and easy-to-use UI of creating new todos, notes, and future/scheduled tasks.
- Swipe from left to edit any todo/scheduled task and swipe from right to delete a todo/scheduled task.
- Ability to create notes with full markdown and editing support
- Tap to view notes and on long press to delete them
- Ability to create future/scheduled tasks.
- Ability to set a reminder notification for future/scheduled notes
- Ability to add scheduled task to the device calendar.
- Ability to change font from Google fonts.
- Monet-based splash screen for Android 12+ devices.
- Monochrome icon for Android 13+ devices.
- Theme switcher (Light, dark and AMOLED/black mode)
- Android 12 & above will extract colors from wallpaper set on your device
- Other android versions uses accent colors within app to match material you system.
- You can find all the releases in the releases section.
- You can also create issues and give suggestions/feedbacks here
- arm64-v8a: For 64-bit architecture devices
- armeabi-v7a: For 32-bit architecture devices
- Improve scheduling notification feature.
- Add integration with Google Assistant
- add cloud syncing support
- support more platforms
- Homescreen widgets (Not built-in)
- System based font
- Predictive back gestures
- Per-app language preferences