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v 0.2.0 Update
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  • Loading branch information authored and committed Mar 9, 2023
1 parent 4d33c05 commit dd2a01e
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Showing 47 changed files with 3,105 additions and 5,204 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion LICENSE
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
MIT License

Copyright (c) 2022 : Ka Wai HO
Copyright (c) 2023 : Ka Wai HO

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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17 changes: 7 additions & 10 deletions Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "MHDFlows"
uuid = "1d939cba-ab73-4bc0-975c-87d4c856e1f9"
authors = ["Ka Wai HO <> "]
version = "0.1.4"
version = "0.2.0"

CUDA = "052768ef-5323-5732-b1bb-66c8b64840ba"
Expand All @@ -10,18 +10,15 @@ FourierFlows = "2aec4490-903f-5c70-9b11-9bed06a700e1"
FFTW = "7a1cc6ca-52ef-59f5-83cd-3a7055c09341"
HDF5 = "f67ccb44-e63f-5c2f-98bd-6dc0ccc4ba2f"
LinearAlgebra = "37e2e46d-f89d-539d-b4ee-838fcccc9c8e"
LsqFit = "2fda8390-95c7-5789-9bda-21331edee243"
MuladdMacro = "46d2c3a1-f734-5fdb-9937-b9b9aeba4221"
Random = "9a3f8284-a2c9-5f02-9a11-845980a1fd5c"
Reexport = "189a3867-3050-52da-a836-e630ba90ab69"
Statistics = "10745b16-79ce-11e8-11f9-7d13ad32a3b2"
PyPlot = "d330b81b-6aea-500a-939a-2ce795aea3ee"
ProgressMeter = "92933f4c-e287-5a05-a399-4b506db050ca"
TimerOutputs = "a759f4b9-e2f1-59dc-863e-4aeb61b1ea8f"
FastBroadcast = "7034ab61-46d4-4ed7-9d0f-46aef9175898"

CUDA = "^1, ^2.4.2, 3.0.0 - 3.6.4, ^3.7.1"
DocStringExtensions = "^0.8"
FFTW = "^1"
FourierFlows = "^0.10.1"
Reexport = "^0.2, ^1"
julia = "^1.5.3"
HDF5 = "^0.14.3"
ProgressMeter = "^1.7.2"
TimeOutputs = "^0.5.21"
julia = "^1.7.3"
35 changes: 19 additions & 16 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -3,18 +3,20 @@

Three Dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) pseudospectral solvers written in Julia language with <a href="">FourierFlows.jl</a>. This solver support the following features:

1. 2D incompressible HD/MHD simulation (periodic boundary)
2. 3D incompressible HD/MHD simulation (periodic boundary)
1. 2/3D incompressible HD/MHD simulation (periodic boundary)
3. Incompressible HD/MHD simulation with volume penalization method
4. Passive Dye Tracer (Experimental Feature)
4. Isothermal compressible HD/MHD simulation (periodic boundary)
5. 2/3D Electron magnetohydrodynamic simulation (periodic boundary)
6. Passive Dye Tracer (Experimental Feature)

This package leverages the [FourierFlows.jl]( package to set up the module. The main purpose of MHDFlows.jl aims to solve the portable 3D MHD problems on personal computer instead of cluster. Utilizing the Nvidia CUDA technology, the MHDFlows.jl could solve the front-end MHD turbulence research problems in the order of few-ten minutes by using a mid to high end gaming display card (see Memory usage & speed section). Feel free to modify yourself for your own research purpose.

## Version No.
v 0.1.4
v 0.2.0
note : v 0.2.0 will be the final major update before the multi-gpu version release

## Installation Guide & compatibility
The current version is tested on v1.5.3/1.7.3/1.8.2 version.
The current version is tested on v1.7.3/1.8.2/1.9.0 version.

Currently, you have two way of installing MHDFlows.jl

Expand All @@ -24,7 +26,7 @@ Currently, you have two way of installing MHDFlows.jl

(v1.7) pkg> add MHDFlows
(v1.8) pkg> add MHDFlows

Expand All @@ -37,13 +39,14 @@ The MHD Solver could either run on CPU or GPU. The scalability is same as Fourie

**Memory usage**

For GPU users, here are some useful numbers of memory requirement for choosing the resolution of the simulation. You may end up getting higher resolution for the same memory.
For GPU users, here are some useful numbers of memory requirement for choosing the resolution of the simulation with RK4/ LSRK4 method. You may end up getting higher resolution for the same memory.

| Memory Size | Maximum Resolution ( $N^3$ ) |
| ----------- | ------------------------------ |
| Memory Size | Maximum Resolution ( $N^3$ ) |
| ----------- | ------------------------------|
| 6 GB | $256^3$ (pure MHD simulation) |
| 10 GB | $300^3$ (pure MHD simulation) |
| 40 GB | $512^3$ (pure MHD simulation) |
| 10 GB | $320^3$ (pure MHD simulation) |
| 24 GB | $512^3$ (pure MHD simulation) |
| 80 GB | $700^3$ (pure MHD simulation) |


Expand All @@ -57,18 +60,18 @@ Environment: WSL2 in Win11 (Ubuntu 18.04/20.04 LTS through jupyter-lab)

| Spec CPU/GPU | $32^3$ | $64^3$ | $128^3$ | $256^3$ |
| --------------------------- | ------ | ------ | ------- | ------- |
| AMD Ryzen 7 5800x 8 threads | 0.139s | 0.178s | 0.764s | 7.025s |
| NVIDIA RTX 3080 10GB | 0.016s | 0.018s | 0.038s | 0.211s |
| AMD Ryzen 7 5800x 8 threads | 0.040s | 0.074s | 0.490S | 7.025s |
| NVIDIA RTX 3080 10GB | 0.016s | 0.018s | 0.023s | 0.152s |

**MHD** (Taylor Green Vortex, T = Float32)

| Spec CPU/GPU | $32^3$ | $64^3$ | $128^3$ | $256^3$ |
| --------------------------- | ------ | ------ | ------- | ------- |
| AMD Ryzen 7 5800x 8 threads | 0.12s | 0.220s | 1.49s | 14.50s |
| NVIDIA RTX 3080 10GB | 0.019s | 0.019s | 0.050s | 0.39 s |
| AMD Ryzen 7 5800x 8 threads | 0.049s | 0.180s | 1.490s | 14.50s |
| NVIDIA RTX 3080 10GB | 0.013s | 0.012s | 0.037s | 0.271s |

## Example
Few examples were set up to illustrate the workflow of using this package. See `example\` for more detail. The documentation is work in progress and will be available in the future.
Few examples were set up to illustrate the workflow of using this package. [Check out]( for more detail. The documentation is work in progress and will be available in the future.

## Developer
MHDFlows is currently developed by [Ka Wai HO@UW-Madison Astronomy](
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398 changes: 0 additions & 398 deletions example/2D_VP_HDExample.ipynb

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387 changes: 0 additions & 387 deletions example/3D_HD_A99TurbulnceDriving.ipynb

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748 changes: 0 additions & 748 deletions example/3D_HD_InstabilityExample.ipynb

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476 changes: 0 additions & 476 deletions example/3D_MHD_OrszagTangVortex_Test.ipynb

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490 changes: 0 additions & 490 deletions example/3D_MHD_OrszagTangVortex_Test.ipynb

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371 changes: 0 additions & 371 deletions example/3D_VP_HDExample.ipynb

This file was deleted.

371 changes: 0 additions & 371 deletions example/3D_VP_MHDExample.ipynb

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251 changes: 0 additions & 251 deletions example/DiffusionExample.ipynb

This file was deleted.

375 changes: 0 additions & 375 deletions example/DyeExample.ipynb

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333 changes: 0 additions & 333 deletions example/DynamoExample.ipynb

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468 changes: 0 additions & 468 deletions example/GPUExample.ipynb

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12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/DyeModule.jl
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Expand Up @@ -106,25 +106,25 @@ function DyeEqn!(N, sol, t, clock, vars, params, grid)
# ∂ρₖ/∂t = ∑ᵢ -im*kᵢ*(ρₖ vₖᵢ)

# Initialization of rho
@. N*=0;
@. N*=0

for (uᵢ,kᵢ) zip([vars.ux,,],[,grid.l,grid.m])
# Initialization
@. vars.nonlin1 *= 0;
ρuᵢ = vars.nonlin1;
ρuᵢh = vars.nonlinh1;
ρuᵢ = vars.nonlin1
ρuᵢh = vars.nonlinh1

# get back the updated sol in real space using fft
ldiv!(ρuᵢ, grid.rfftplan, deepcopy(sol))

# Pre-Calculation in Real Space
@. ρuᵢ *= uᵢ;
@. ρuᵢ *= uᵢ

# Fourier transform
mul!(ρuᵢh, grid.rfftplan, ρuᵢ);
mul!(ρuᵢh, grid.rfftplan, ρuᵢ)

# Perform the actual calculation
@. N += -im*kᵢ*ρuᵢh;
@. N += -im*kᵢ*ρuᵢh
return nothing
37 changes: 31 additions & 6 deletions src/MHDFlows.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,15 +2,18 @@ module MHDFlows


@reexport using FourierFlows

using Random: rand!
using LinearAlgebra: mul!, ldiv!
import Base: show, summary

Expand All @@ -21,29 +24,51 @@ abstract type MHDVars <: AbstractVars end
# Data Structure
# Solver
# integrator related

# timestepper



#pgen module

DivVCorrection! = VPSolver.DivVCorrection!;
DivBCorrection! = VPSolver.DivBCorrection!;

export Problem,
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98 changes: 50 additions & 48 deletions src/Problems.jl
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Expand Up @@ -3,42 +3,31 @@
# ----------

struct Equation{T, TL, G<:AbstractFloat}
The equation to be solved `∂u/∂t = L*u + N(u)`. Array `L` includes the coefficients
of the linear term `L*u` and `calcN!` is a function which computes the nonlinear
term `N(u)`. The struct also includes the problem's `grid` and the float type of the
state vector (and consequently of `N(u)`).
struct Equation{T, TL, G<:AbstractFloat}
"array with coefficient for the linear part of the equation"
L :: TL
"function that computes the nonlinear part of the equation"
calcN! :: Function
"the grid"
grid :: AbstractGrid{G}
"the dimensions of `L`"
dims :: Tuple
"the float type for the state vector"
T :: T # eltype or tuple of eltypes of sol and N

Equation(L, calcN!, grid; dims=supersize(L), T=nothing)
The equation constructor from the array `L` of the coefficients of the linear term, the function
`calcN!` that computes the nonlinear term and the `grid` for the problem.
function Equation(L, calcN!, grid::AbstractGrid{G}; dims=supersize(L), T=nothing) where G
function Setup_Equation(calcN!, grid::AbstractGrid{G}; T=nothing, Nl = 3) where G
dims = tuple(size(grid.Krsq)...,Nl)
T = T == nothing ? T = cxtype(G) : T

return Equation(L, calcN!, grid, dims, T)
#Compatibility to FourierFlows.Equation
L = 0
return FourierFlows.Equation(L, calcN!, grid; dims=dims)

CheckON(Flag_equal_to_True::Bool) = Flag_equal_to_True ? string("ON") : string("OFF")

function CheckON(FlagB::Bool, FlagE::Bool)
if FlagB
FlagE ? string("ON (EMHD)") : string("ON (Ideal MHD)")


function CheckDye(dye::Dye)
if dye.dyeflag == true
return string("ON, at prob.dye")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,8 +68,14 @@ $(TYPEDFIELDS)
struct Flag
"Magnetic Field"
b :: Bool
"EMHD Field"
e :: Bool
"Volume Penalization"
vp :: Bool
c :: Bool
s :: Bool

Expand All @@ -89,15 +84,15 @@ end
A problem that represents a partial differential equation.
struct MHDFlowsProblem{T, A<:AbstractArray, Tg<:AbstractFloat, TL, Dye, usr_foo} <: AbstractProblem
struct MHDFlowsProblem{T, A<:AbstractArray, Tg<:AbstractFloat, TL, Dye, usr_foo, AbstractGrid} <: AbstractProblem
"the state vector"
sol :: A
"the problem's slock"
clock :: FourierFlows.Clock{Tg}
"the equation"
eqn :: FourierFlows.Equation{T, TL, Tg}
"the grid"
grid :: AbstractGrid{Tg}
grid :: AbstractGrid
"the variables"
vars :: AbstractVars
"the parameters"
Expand All @@ -122,36 +117,43 @@ to the time-stepper constructor.
function MHDFLowsProblem(eqn::FourierFlows.Equation, stepper, dt, grid::AbstractGrid{T},
vars=EmptyVars, params=EmptyParams, dev::Device=CPU();
BFlag = false, VPFlag = false, DyeFlag = false, usr_func = [],
BFlag = false, EFlag = false, VPFlag = false, CFlag = false, SFlag = false, DyeFlag = false, usr_func = [],
stepperkwargs...) where T

clock = FourierFlows.Clock{T}(dt, 0, 0)
if EFlag && stepper == "HM89"
# timestepper = eSSPIFRK3TimeStepper(eqn, dev) #For SFlag
timestepper = HM89TimeStepper(eqn, dev) #For EFlag
timestepper = FourierFlows.TimeStepper(stepper, eqn, dt, dev)
sol = zeros(dev, eqn.T, eqn.dims)

timestepper = FourierFlows.TimeStepper(stepper, eqn, dt, dev);

sol = zeros(dev, eqn.T, eqn.dims);
flag = Flag(BFlag, EFlag, VPFlag, CFlag, SFlag)

flag = Flag(BFlag, VPFlag);
dye = DyeContructer(dev, DyeFlag, grid)

dye = DyeContructer(dev, DyeFlag, grid);
usr_func = length(usr_func) == 0 ? [nothingfunction] : usr_func

usr_func = length(usr_func) == 0 ? [nothingfunction] : usr_func;
return MHDFlowsProblem(sol, clock, eqn, grid, vars, params, timestepper, flag, usr_func, dye)


show(io::IO, problem::MHDFlowsProblem) =
print(io, "MHDFlows Problem\n",
" │ Funtions\n",
" │ ├──────── B-field: "*CheckON(problem.flag.b),'\n',
" ├─────├────── VP Method: "*CheckON(problem.flag.vp),'\n',
" │ ├──────────── Dye: "*CheckDye(problem.dye),'\n',
" │ └── user function: "*CheckFunction(problem.usr_func),'\n',
" │ Features ",'\n',
" │ ├─────────── grid: grid (on " * string(typeof(problem.grid.device)) * ")", '\n',
" │ ├───── parameters: params", '\n',
" │ ├────── variables: vars", '\n',
" └─────├─── state vector: sol", '\n',
" ├─────── equation: eqn", '\n',
" ├────────── clock: clock", '\n',
" └──── timestepper: ", string(nameof(typeof(problem.timestepper))))
" │ Funtions\n",
" │ ├ Compressibility: "*CheckON(problem.flag.c),'\n',
" │ ├──────── B-field: "*CheckON(problem.flag.b,problem.flag.e),'\n',
" │ ├────────── Shear: "*CheckON(problem.flag.s),'\n',
" ├─────├────── VP Method: "*CheckON(problem.flag.vp),'\n',
" │ ├──────────── Dye: "*CheckDye(problem.dye),'\n',
" │ └── user function: "*CheckFunction(problem.usr_func),'\n',
" │ Features ",'\n',
" │ ├─────────── grid: grid (on " * string(typeof(problem.grid.device)) * ")", '\n',
" │ ├───── parameters: params", '\n',
" │ ├────── variables: vars", '\n',
" └─────├─── state vector: sol", '\n',
" ├─────── equation: eqn", '\n',
" ├────────── clock: clock", '\n',
" └──── timestepper: ", string(nameof(typeof(problem.timestepper))))

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