In this repository, we provide several samples of our generated data, between others, as several samples of datasets. The purpose of this repository is to give access to some samples of our working data. Therefore, contributors can use this information to provide their contributions with respective proposals and prototypes consuming our dataset samples. It is part of the work done by SIPg an ISR-Lisboa and M-ITI, two R&D Units of LARSyS. The project also involves the collaborative effort of INESC-ID. Both ISR-Lisboa and INESC-ID are Associate Laboratories of IST from ULisboa.
As far as we have to do several data manipulation over our dataset, we need to address the hereby information for several measures. This measures will gave us a better understanding regarding the system dataset. Therefore it is of chief importance to scale this solution for a set of samples also.
A special thanks to Chris Hafey, the propelling person of CornerstoneJS, who also developed the cornerstoneDemo. Not forgetting the three supporters of the CornerstoneJS library, Aloïs Dreyfus, Danny Brown and Erik Ziegler. We also would like to give a special thanks to Erik Ziegler who support several issues during this path.