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Folders and files

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This is a simple web app to collect metadata and files from a User and allow Users with the role Admin to download and edit the metadata.

Production: for real read this bit

This application is currently undergoing a major feature change. As such, the production instance is represented by the 1.x branch. If you need to fix a bug in production, or update dependencies in production, please open a PR into the 1.x branch and not main.

New feature development is continuing in the main branch as normal.

When the new work enters production, we will delete the 1.x branch and pretend it never existed.

Architecture Decision Records

This repository contains Architecture Decision Records in the docs/architecture-decisions directory.

adr-tools should allow easy creation of additional records with a standardized template.

Developer Notes

When changing the db schema, please run bundle exec annotate to update the model and associated tests to reflect the changes in a nice convenient, consistent way.

Environment Variables

DISABLE_LOGRAGE - set this in to disable lograge single line logging config and use rails standard verbose logging.

JS_EXCEPTION_LOGGER_KEY - set this to the value of the exception monitor public post key to enable capturing javascript exceptions.

LOG_LEVEL - we set sane defaults in development or production, but you can override easily with this ENV if you need to get more details.

PREFERRED_DOMAIN - set this to the domain you would like to use. Any other requests that come to the app will redirect to the root of this domain. This is useful to prevent access to domains as well as any legacy domains you'd like to handle.

RAILS_LOG_TO_STDOUT - log to standard out instead of a file. Heroku enables this automatically. It is often nice in development as well.

SENTRY_DSN - set to your project sentry key to enable exception logging

ActiveStorage Configuration


MAINTAINER_EMAIL - used for to field of virus detected emails. THESIS_ADMIN_EMAIL - used for from field of receipt emails. Also the email to which reports are sent. MAINTAINER_EMAIL - used for cc field of report emails.


The information necessary to identify a bucket on S3 is configured via this set of variables: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_REGION AWS_S3_BUCKET AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

In addition, you will need to ensure the bucket CORS AllowedOrigin settings are configured to allow for the domain this app runs at.

User Roles

There are a few user roles that provide different levels of permissions. The abilities of each role are defined in the ability model.

Basic is the default user role and is assigned when a user self creates an account. Self creation is the only supported way to create an account. If we have a new staff member, they first need to login to self create an account with the basic role and then admin staff can assign them appropriate roles.

Thesis Processor is used for any users that process theses.

Thesis Admin can do everything a Thesis Processor can do but can also create and update any thesis (not just their own like a Basic user).

The Admin flag can be assigned to a user with any role. Admin users can do anything, including deleting or changing theses, modifying user roles, and deleting users.

Assigning roles and the Admin flag is done in the web UI.

Sending Receipt Email in Production

SMTP_ADDRESS SMTP_PASSWORD SMTP_PORT SMTP_USER THESIS_ADMIN_EMAIL - used for from field of receipt emails. Also the email to which reports are sent. MAINTAINER_EMAIL - used for cc field of report emails. DISABLE_ALL_EMAIL - emails won't be sent unless this is set to false.

In development, emails are written to a file in tmp. In testing, they are stored in memory. You still need the THESIS_ADMIN_EMAIL set for the tmp file to be written without errors.

On staging, the default is disabled email. Set DISABLE_ALL_EMAIL to false if you have a reason to turn them on. Due to the potential of unwanted emails being sent when FAKE_AUTH_ENABLED is enabled (like on PR builds), it's best to leave email off unless you are actively testing it. Staging and Production use real authentication and are thus not a concern.

Authentication for Development ONLY

There's a fake auth system you can use on review apps. It bypasses the actual auth system and just logs you in with a fake developer account.

To enable on review apps

  • Set FAKE_AUTH_ENABLED to true

To enable on localhost

In .env:


To enable on staging or production


Also, you shouldn't be able to. Even if you set FAKE_AUTH_ENABLED, the HEROKU_APP_NAME check will fail.

To use in the codebase

Use Rails.configuration.fake_auth_enabled, NOT ENV['FAKE_AUTH_ENABLED'].

Using the latter bypasses the app name check, which can let us inadvertently turn on fake auth in production. nope

Authentication for production

For SAML authentication, you will need all of the following.

DLE Docs on SAML

IDP_METADATA_URL - URL from which the IDP metadata can be obtained. This is loaded at application start to ensure it remains up to date.

IDP_ENTITY_ID - If IDP_METADATA_URL returns more than one IdP (like MIT does) entry, this setting signifies which IdP to use.

IDP_SSO_URL - the URL from the IdP metadata to use for authentication. I was unable to extract this directly from the metadata with the ruby-saml tool even though it for sure exists.

SP_ENTITY_ID - unique identifier to this application, ex:

SP_PRIVATE_KEY - Base64 strict encoded version of the SP Private Key. note: Base64 is required due to multiline ENV being weird to deal with.

SP_CERTIFICATE - Base64 strict encoded version of the SP Certificate. note: Base64 is required due to multiline ENV being weird to deal with.

URN_EMAIL - URN to extract from SAML response. For MIT, urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3 for testshib urn:oid: is close enough for testing.

URN_GIVEN_NAME - urn:oid: for MIT URN_SURNAME - urn:oid: for MIT These have not been tried with testshib but there's a chance they're the same. These correspond to the givenName and sn fields in Shibboleth.

URN_DISPLAY_NAME - urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113730.3.1.241 for MIT. Possibly the same in testshib, but we haven't confirmed. This corresponds to the displayName field in Shibboleth.

URN_UID - urn:oid: should be good enough for both MIT and testshib. However, it is not guaranteed to be forever unique but MIT does not provide a truly unique option so this is the best we've got.

NOTE: There is a rake task to help debug responses from the IdP.

Example usage:

  • grab a SAML response from a production or staging log
  • remove all XML and quotes and put ONLY the raw encrypted SAML response into a single line of a text file. NOTE: the response likely spans multiple logger lines so you'll need to be careful to reconstruct this
  • rails debug:saml['tmp/your_saml_to_debug.txt']

Alternate file upload feedback

As a default behavior, the bulk file transfer form at /transfer/new uses the browser's built-in file input field, with slight javascript decoration to improve user feedback before and during file uploading.

However, there is an alternate behavior available. This alternate, which has yet to be fully tested, can be accessed by appending any value for upload to the querystring (i.e. /transfer/new?upload=alternate). This alternative offers some additional capabilities via javascript decoration, such as appending to (or pruning from) a pending bulk file transfer. The file uploading itself is unaffected by this altenative.

Local deployment

Use heroku local. We have also experimented with docker, and are retaining it in case we move toward dockerizing all the things in future.

Docker Setup

  1. Build the docker image docker-compose build

  2. Connect the database docker-compose up

  3. Update default config/database.yml with PG configuration

  4. Create the database and migrate (1st time) docker-compose run web rake db:create db:migrate

At the end of the above commands, you can visit http://localhost:3000 and see the welcome page.