Quick way to get the platform for joind.in development set up
This repository provides a vagrant virtual machine so you can start contributing quickly. Joind.in is a big project, so there a few parts involved.
Joind.in welcomes all contributors regardless of your ability or experience. We especially welcome you if you are new to Open Source development and will provide a helping hand. To ensure that everyone understands what we expect from our community, our projects have a Contributor Code of Conduct and by participating in the development of joind.in you agree to abide by its terms.
Install requirements. (Note: these are not required by joind.in itself, but are required for this quick start guide.)
- VirtualBox and the VirtualBox Extension Pack (https://www.virtualbox.org/) (version 4.0 or later)
- Ruby (http://www.ruby-lang.org/)
- Vagrant (http://vagrantup.com/) version 1.5+
Make your own github fork of the following joind.in repositories:
Clone joindin-vm
Make sure that you are accessing your fork of the joindin-vm repo
git clone git@github.com:{YourGitHubId}/joindin-vm.git --recursive
For example:
git clone git@github.com:defunkt/joindin-vm.git --recursive
Execute the script that will clone the other 3 repository from your forks
cd joindin-vm php scripts/cloneRepository.php
If you are getting Git and PHP warnings and you have previously forked joind.in before the introduction of web2, make sure that your fork of
is not calledjoind.in
. -
Start the VM
vagrant up
If you get asked for the vagrant user password during provisioning, try the password
If you don't have the hostsupdater Vagrant plugin, then add hostname to /etc/hosts.
If you are on Linux, run this: (echo ; echo " dev.joind.in api.dev.joind.in legacy.dev.joind.in") | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts If you are on macOS, run this: echo " dev.joind.in api.dev.joind.in legacy.dev.joind.in" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts If you are on Windows, run this on the cmd line echo dev.joind.in api.dev.joind.in legacy.dev.joind.in >> %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\Hosts
Browse to the sites
- For the joind.in site: http://dev.joind.in/
- For the legacy site: http://legacy.dev.joind.in/
- For the API: http://api.dev.joind.in/
You can log to joind.in test site with those credentials for an admin account:
- Username: imaadmin
- Password: password
For other users, look at the dbgen documentation.
The joind.in directory you cloned will be mounted inside the VM at
You can develop by editing the files you cloned in the IDE of you choice.
The database is running inside the VM. You can get to it with the following commands:
you@you> vagrant ssh vagrant@vm> mysql joindin -uroot
The database is exposed on port 3306 of the VM, so you can also use:
you@you> mysql -u joindin -h -P 3306 -ppassword joindin
To stop the VM so that you can work on it later, issue the following command from the host machine:
vagrant halt
To delete the VM completely, issue the following command from the host machine:
vagrant destroy
To install the testing tools in the VM
Copy the file
.cp puppet/hieradata/common.yaml.dist puppet/hieradata/common.yaml
Edit this file and change the value of
to true. -
Re provision the VM. If the VM is not on, run
vagrant up
, if it's on, runvagrant provision
Wait for the testing tools to be installed. This will take a few minutes.
Run the joind.in tests with this command from inside the VM
cd /vagrant/joindin-web2 && phing
- Run the joindin-api tests with this command from inside the VM
cd /vagrant/joindin-api && phing
- Run the joindin-legacy tests with this command from inside the VM
cd /vagrant/joindin-legacy && phing
If you get this error:
"The box 'centos-62-64-puppet' is still stored on disk in the Vagrant 1.0.x format. This box must be upgraded in order to work properly with this version of Vagrant.".
You can fix it by running the command vagrant box repackage centos-62-64-puppet virtualbox
and executing vagrant up
If you get a warning about a mismatch between your version of the guest addition and the one in the VM. You can make sure that the guest additions in the VM are always up to date with this command:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
If Vagrant complains that the command plugin does not exist, it's because your version of Vagrant is too old. You might need to upgrade it for the VM to work correctly.
On the latest Vagrant version, sometimes Vagrant stops before running Puppet. If if happens, you can run it manually.
vagrant provision
Update the config files:
you@you> vagrant ssh
vagrant@vm> cd /vagrant
vagrant@vm> chmod +x ./scripts/fixConfig.sh
vagrant@vm> ./scripts/fixConfig.sh
We use mailcatcher to grab emails before they leave the VM, and present them to you in a web interface so you can see what the system would be sending. To check the mails that have been sent, visit http://dev.joind.in:1080/ on your host machine.
Xdebug is setup on the dev VM, with remote_start enabled, by default. To start
using this, visit http://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/marklets/, generate the
bookmarklets with IDE key PHPSTORM
, and the 'Start debugger' and 'Stop
debugger' bookmarklets to your browsers bookmark bar. These bookmarklets set
the required cookies to trigger or stop triggering remote debugging of scripts.
To test all is working OK, open the entry point index.php file for the relevant repo and add a breakpoint (Cmd+F8 on Mac), and visit a public URL for the relevant repo. If all is setup correctly, PHPStorm should prompt you to select the local file that the remote file maps to. Simply select the local index.php file for the repo and you should be good to go.
If you are at an event with a slow connection it's possible to package the box and copy it on a usb key. This way others don't need to download it.
You can download the box from http://cdn.19ft.com/joindin-development.2.1.1.box. Then copy it on a usb key and share it at the event as per the instructions for using the packaged box.
If you're already at the event and can't download the box, someone who already has it can package it:
cd into the joindin-vm directory
Package the vagrant box
vagrant package
Copy the generated file to a usb key.
Copy the box file on your machine
Import the box
vagrant box add joindin/development path/to/file
Follow the Getting Started instructions
If you want to expose the VM's websites to the web via ngrok, then you need to sign up with ngrok and register your authtoken with the ngrok command line tool. This is so that you can use ngrok's custom subdomains feature. Each website within the VM is set up to support a prefixed subdomain to which you append your own unique string.
For example, using the custom string example
, you can run these commands to expose the given site to the Internet:
- api :
ngrok -subdomain apiexample dev.joind.in:80
- web2:
ngrok -subdomain web2example dev.joind.in:80
- web1:
ngrok -subdomain web1example dev.joind.in:80
Therefore, running ngrok -subdomain web2example dev.joind.in:80
will enable anyone on the Internet to access your development version of web2 at http://web2example.ngrok.com.
The VM has wireshark installed so that you can view the traffic between the api and web2 (or any other client).
On your local machine, in the joindin-vm directory, you can use this command to start wireshark with it reading traffic on the VM:
wireshark -k -i <(vagrant ssh -c "sudo dumpcap -P -i any -w - -f 'not tcp port 22'" -- -ntt)
(note that on OS X, you need to start X11 first)
Full details are in this article