Reading notes and homework related to Week 2: CRUD. A hearty part of the course, about 5 hours study and 45 min. homework.
- Homework 2.1 Find all exam scores greater than or equal to 65, and sort those scores from lowest to highest
db.grades.find( { "score": { $gte: 65}}).sort( { "score": 1})
- Homework 2.2 Identity of the student with the highest average in the class
- Homework 2.3 Adapt
to add a new user upon sign-up and validate a login by retrieving the right user document.
- sort 2. skip 3. limit; sort order is lexicographic, according to the binary UTF-8 encoding of strings
- Recap on JS properties and dictionary lookup
- Data is stored in BSON format in MongoDB, which is a superset of JSON, having namely ObjectId, date, integer 32/64 and binary types
- MongoDB Shell command-line editing tips, namely history and autocomplete; the shell has support for the various MongoDB types:
(gets converted toISODate()
for instance - ObjectId is a UUID; each doc must have a PK, which is immutable in the DB
- Inserting:
db.fruits.insert({ name: "apple", color: "red", shape: "round"})
displays results in a more human readable form- Finding:
, excluding fields from output, specifying query by example; for instance:db.scores.find({ type: "essay", score: 50}, { student: true, _id: false})
- All search ops are strongly typed and dynamically typed; when using polymorphic field contents, beware! such searches can be refined with
(for instance,.find( { name: { $type: 2 } })
with type according to BSON spec of element types; type 2 being a string) and$exists
(for instance,.find( { profession: { $exists: true | false }})
) - Querying for string patterns with regular expressions:
.find( { name: { $regex: "e$" }} )
; regular expressions tend not to be efficiently optimized, except a few cases, such as expressions starting with a caret (for instance,$regex: "^A"
) - Combining operators:
db.users.find({"name": {$regex: "q"}, "email": {$exists: true}})
- Combining expressions on the same field with
$or: [ …, …]
and$and: [ …, …]
:db.scores.find({ $or: [ { score: { $lt: 50}}, { score: { $gt: 90}} ] })
; if the expression are bound to different fields,$and
are not needed - Beware! Javascript will silently parse the following, although it is probably an incomplete query expression:
db.scores.find( { score: { $lt: 50}}, { score: { $gt: 90}})
will return all documents with score greater than 90 – the second property definition replaces the first - Querying arrays: matching is polymorphic over arrays (top level only);
db.products.find( { tags: "shiny"})
would match{ _id: 42, name: "wiz-o-matic", tags: [ "awesome", "shiny", "green"]}
as well as{ _id: 42, name: "snap-o-lux", tags: "shiny"}
- Querying for all given values with
$all: [ …, …]
:db.accounts.find( { favorites: { $all: [ "pretzels", "beer"] }})
the array values have to be a subset of the values of the field that is queried for, in any order - Querying for any of the given values with
$in: […, …]
:db.accounts.find( { name: { $in: [ "Howard", "John" ]}})
- Combining both
:db.users.find( { friends: { $all: [ "Joe" , "Bob" ] }, favorites: { $in: [ "running" , "pickles" ]}})
will match{ name : "Cliff" , friends : [ "Pete" , "Joe" , "Tom" , "Bob" ] , favorites : [ "pickles", "cycling" ] }
- Querying on fields in embedded documents, beware: in
db.users.find( { email: { work: "", personal: ""}})
the order of the fields in the embedded document has to match the order of the fields in the database! subdocuments in queries by example are compared byte to byte to the database's contents. So the following query won't return results if all subdocs have a"personal"
field:db.users.find( { email: { work: ""}})
- Queries with Dot notation: use dot notation to recurse into subdocuments and look for any matching field:
db.users.find( { "": "" })
; dot notation allows to reach fields inside a subdocument, without any knowledge of the surrounding fields; to query for all products that cost more than 10,000 and that have a rating of 5 or better:db.catalog.find( { price: { $gt: 10000}, "reviews.rating": { $gte: 5}})
- Query cursors, to iterate programmatically:
cur = db.people.find(); null; while( cur.hasNext()) printjson(;
; cursors have many methods:cur.limit(5)
,cur.sort({ name: -1})
; these modifiers return the cursor, so they can be chained:cur.sort({ name: -1}).limit(3)
; must be called before retrieving any result - Query modifiers are executed in the server (not the client) in following order: 1. sort 2. skip 3. limit;
db.scores.find( { type: "exam"}).sort( { score: -1}).skip( 50).limit( 20)
retrieves exam documents, sorted by score in descending order, skipping the first 50 and showing only the next 20.
- Counting results of a query: use
db.coll.count( …)
with a query I would give todb.coll.find( …)
In the Mongo Shell, the API for update()
does 4 different things:
Wholesale updating – a bit dangerous, completely replaces the documents content:
db.people.update( { name: "Smith"}, { name: "Thompson", salary: 50000})
will replace all documents matching the primary keys returned by the first query, discard their content and replace it with the second document – keeping only the primary key value -
Manipulating individual fields with
:db.people.update( { name: "Alice"}, { $set: { age: 30}})
will define the fieldage
if it doesn't exist, or modify its value if it exists.Similary,
allows to modify a value, or define it if it doesn't exist, with the value of the increment step:db.people.update( { name: "Alice"}, { $inc: { age: 1 }})
; these operations are efficient in MongoDB.Manipulating arrays in documents with
; note thatpop
removes one or more elements from the end of the array (or beginning if the given element count is negative), whilepull
removes the actual given values;addToSet
considers the array as a set, rather than an ordered list: it will push a value if it doesn't exist, otherwise do nothing.For instance:
db.friends.update( { _id: "Mike" }, { $push: { interests : "skydiving" }})
will add "skydiving" to the right hand side of the array;db.friends.update( { _id: "Mike" }, { $pop: { interests : -1 }})
will pop the leftmost element of the array;db.friends.update( { _id: "Mike" }, { $addToSet: { interests : "skydiving" }})
would add "skydiving" to the array if it was not already there, otherwise would do nothing;db.friends.update( { _id: "Mike" }, { $pushAll: { interests: [ "skydiving" , "skiing" ]}})
appends to the right hand side of the array, leaving us with possible duplicate values.Removing a field and its value with
:db.people.find({ name: "Jones"}, { $unset: { profession: 1}})
(some value must be specified, 1 in this example, but it is ignored);$unset
may be used to change the schema:db.users.update( {}, { $unset: { interests: 1}}, { multi: true})
(see multi-update below for themulti
extra argument) -
Upserting with the
.update( …, …, { upsert: true})
third optional argument: update a record that does exist, otherwise insert a new document; frequent use case when merging data from a data vendor:db.users.update( { name: "George"}, { $set: { interests: [ "cat", "dog"]}}, { upsert: true})
will create a document { name: "George", interests: [ "cat", "dog"]} if it doesn't already exist, otherwise update the existing document. -
Updating multiple documents in a collection: default behavior of MongoDB is to update just one document in the collection; add the
extra argument to update all matching documents:db.scores.update( { score: {$lt: 70}}, {$inc: { score: 20}}, { multi:true}))
will give every document with a score less than 70 an extra 20 points;{multi:true}
is for Javascript – some drivers have a separate method for multi-updates.These multi-updates are atomically executed for each document; however, from the concurrency point of view, the server does not offer isolation: these updates are a sequential collection of updates, executed in a single thread, that might however be yielded (paused) by the server allow for other write and read operations.
- Removing documents matching a query: use
db.coll.remove( …)
with a query I would give todb.coll.find( …)
- With no arguments
, all documents are removed from the collection, one by one (keeping the indexes) - It is more efficient to use
, which removes the contents and the metadata (namely indexes) - Remember:
operations are not atomically isolated in a transaction; a concurrent read or write might see the state of the collection halfway thru the removal; theremove
itself is however atomic.
- To check the status of the last operation:
db.runCommand( { getLastError: 1})
allows to determine if an operation did succeed or fail - On successful operations, it can be used to determine how much documents where updated with a multi-update
- On erroneous operations, it allow to discover what didn't work:
Selecting fields with
find( query, selector)
,query = { "type": "exam"}
,selector = {"student_id": 1, "_id": 0}
Reading contents from an URL with
parsed_feed = json.loads(
andfeed = urllib2.urlopen("http://…/feed.json")
(requiresimport json
andimport urllib2
) -
Using regular expressions with
find( query, …)
andquery = { "title": { "$regex": "Microsoft" }}
Using Dot notation with
find( query, selector)
,query = { "media.oembed.type": "video"}
,selector = { "media.oembed.url": 1, "_id": 0}
(will find all documents that have these subdocumentsmedia
, with fieldtype
having valuevideo
; very flexible indeed) -
When projecting onto a key that doesn't exist in the matching documents, MongoDB will return an empty document
Sort, skip and limit with
.sort("student_id": pymongo.ASCENDING).skip(4).limit(1)
Sorting on multiple keys with tuples in an ordered array:
.sort( [ ( "student_id": pymongo.ASCENDING), ( "score": pymongo.DESCENDING)])
, because Python does not retain the key order within its dictionaries (whereas in the Mongo shell it would be.sort( { student_id: 1, score: -1})
, because Javascript does retain the order of keys within dictionaries) -
Inserting with
.insert( doc)
Updating with
.save( doc)
(insert/update combo), which inserts the document if there is no_id
field, otherwise updates the whole document -
Wholesale update can also be done with
.update( query, doc)
(where the document can contain an_id
, as long as it is equal to the one in the matching document -
Selective update with
.update( { "student_id": 1, "type": "homework"}, { "$set": { "review_date": datetime.datetime.utcnow()}})
, …, see manipulating individual fields above) -
Getting current time compatible with
Upserting (insert/update combo) with
things.update({ "thing": "apple"}, { "$set": { "color": "green"}}, upsert = True)
andthings.update({ "thing": "pear"}, { "color": "green" }, upsert = True)
; beware: the second form will insert a new document with just the field{ "color": "green" }
(as given, but one might want to have the"thing": "pear"
field), where as with$set
, the query is part of what's inserted, so a document{ "thing": "apple", "color": "green" }
would be inserted, if it didn't exist -
to produce a sequence number:def get_next_seq_value( seq_name): counter = counters.find_and_modify( query = { "name": seq_name}, update = { "$inc": { "value": 1}}, upsert = True, new = True) return counter[ "value"]
atomically modifies and returns a single document; by default, the returned document does not include the modifications made on the update; to return the document with the modifications made on the update, use thenew: true