A master stylesheet starting point based on the discussion in XSLT and HTML5 and what might be thought of as current best practices for handling non-JavaScript browsers and Internet Explorer CSS rendering bugs.
It is intended for use in conjunction with the html5_doctype Symphony extension and the Modernizr JavaScript library.
A comprehensive range of Internet Explorer version-specific classes is available on the html tag for CSS styling without loading of separate CSS files.
Install and enable the html5_doctype Symphony extension, which replaces the XHTML output in the first few lines of your document with HTML5 equivalents.
Download your modernizr.js file and place it into workspace/scripts
Modernizr changes the "no-js" class of the html tag to "js" if the visiting browser is using JavaScript, allowing you to write CSS specific to visitors with and without JavaScript.
It also makes Internet Explorer render and style the new HTML5 elements (assuming JavaScript is enabled in the visitor's browser).