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Private Leagues API

JSON API for Private Leagues project, which is part of "SofaScore Frontend Academy 2020".

API can be accessed on

Table of contents



API Description

API can only understand JSON requests so Content-Type header must be set to application/json for all requests with payload. API will always respond with valid JSON, event when client error ocurred (4** range).

API is secured with JWT tokens. Tokens secure all routes except user login and registration.


Majority of routes can only be accessed with valid JWT token issued on login. JWT tokens can expire. Token must be set in each request header to allow access. Bearer Authentication is used: token must be set in Authorization header, as Bearer <token> (Authorization: Bearer <token>).


Some resources are APP specific ans should not be available to any app. Those resources are available for requests with X-App-Key header set to valid <app_key>. App keys will be distributed to App developers.

API Playground

Users and developers can use Postman to preview routes, access payload info and get live response.


Project uses Postman teams feature, so make sure that your Postman application is v7 as teams are introduced in that version. Link to project will be provided via Slack.

When you get access to postman via link it will open documentation in browser. This documentation is useful but using postman directly has much more benefits, so feel free to login to open Postman app.

Once you have opened Postman switch to team called SFA 2020. Now you should be able to see Collections tab. In this tab you will find grouped routes. Feel free to explore routes. Clicking on route will open request in middle portion od Postman. Notice how route is weird as it contains {{HOST}}. This is variable and instead of {{HOST}} postman will insert URL stored in variable. Variables are mostly bound to Environment so you must pick correct environment. Users will pick Prod environment, while Dev will be useful for API developers.

Postman Interface image

When environment is picked you can send request and receive response.

Project Startup

This chapter will explain how to setup and run API locally.

Pre requirements:

Once all requirements are fulfilled project can be started.


  1. yarn - install dependencies (or npm i)
  2. Start mongod if not running (make sure to add correct URI to .env) 2.1. yarn dev-database will start local mongo instance on port 27017 and store data in project, into data directory (create it manually).
  3. yarn watch - start node server in watch mode -> it will restart on change

Available scripts

Available scripts can be found in package.json.

API endpoints

Basic list of API endpoints. <other> means that any fields provided will be saved. If response is marked as -, that indicates 204 response code (Ok, no content).

Note: All routes must be prefixed with /api.

Endpoint Method Body Response Token App-Key
/login POST { username, password } User data & token No No
/register POST { username, password, <other> } User ID No No
/check-token POST { token } - No No
/users?username=<query> GET - List of searched users Yes No
/users/:id GET - Public user data Yes No
/users/me GET - Current user data Yes No
/users/me DELETE - - Yes No
/users/me PATCH { <any user data> } - Yes No
/leagues GET - List of leagues for user Yes Yes
/leagues:id GET - League details Yes Yes
/leagues POST { name, <other> } League ID Yes Yes
/leagues/:id PATCH { <any league data> } - Yes Yes
/leagues/:id DELETE - - Yes Yes
/leagues/:id/admins POST { userId: <new_admin_user_id> } - Yes Yes
/leagues/:id/admins DELETE { userId: <admin_user_id> } - Yes Yes
/leagues/:id/users POST { userId: <new_user_id> } - Yes Yes
/leagues/:id/users DELETE { userId: <user_id> } - Yes Yes


API for SofaScore Frontend Academy 2020 project






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