Data structures, Algorithms and Problem types Knowledge Graph based on wikipedia. A graphic representation of a graph where nodes are algorithms, data structures and problems types and the edges show how they interact. For example a subgraph of merge sort (algorithm), recursive (algorithm type), iterative (algorithm type), array (data structure) and sort (problem type) will mean that Merge sort is a recursive or iterative algorithm used to solve sorting problems using arrays. I am curious to see what other such sentences emerge from this knowledge graph. The source of information and connections is wikipedia.
- parses wikipedia page html using HtmlAgilityPack into a graph of nodes
- parses that graph of nodes into a knowledge graph because the nodes hierarchy doesn't correspond with the konwledge hierarchy
- displays this knowledge graph using MSAGL which is a graph displaying library
- Microsoft Automatic Graph Layout - - Thank you!
- HtmlAgilityPack - - Thank you!
- Wikipedia - - Thank you!