Evaluate how FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) a resource URL is with the FAIRsFAIR F-UJI API
Built with TypeScript, React, and Material-UI. Deployed as a static website on GitHub Pages.
Access the website at https://maastrichtu-ids.github.io/fairificator 🔗
It uses the F-UJI API hosted at https://fuji-137-120-31-148.sslip.io/fuji/api/v1/ui
You can provide the resource URL to evaluate directly as a URL parameter to load the evaluation for a specific URL with ?evaluate=https://resource
Requirements: npm and yarn installed.
Clone the repository, and get in the folder:
git clone https://github.com/MaastrichtU-IDS/fairificator
cd fairificator
Install dependencies 📥
Web app will run on http://localhost:19006 🏃
yarn dev
The website should reload automatically at each changes to the code 🔃
Upgrade the packages versions in yarn.lock
yarn upgrade
This website is automatically deployed by a GitHub Actions worklow to GitHub Pages at https://maastrichtu-ids.github.io/fairificator
You can build locally in the /web-build
folder, and serve on http://localhost:5000
yarn build
yarn serve
Or run directly using Docker 🐳 (requires docker installed)
docker-compose up
Checkout the docker-compose.yml file to see how we run the Docker image ⛵️