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Source code for producing bibtex citations from M2 packages
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aarondall committed Apr 8, 2017
1 parent eba9268 commit 65843b8
Showing 1 changed file with 327 additions and 0 deletions.
327 changes: 327 additions & 0 deletions M2/Macaulay2/packages/PackageCitations.m2
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
-- -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-- PackageCitations.m2
-- Copyright (C) 2017 Aaron Dall <>
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it
-- and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
-- Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
-- ation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
-- option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
-- implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
-- PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-- for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General
-- Public License along with this program; if not, write
-- to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
-- Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- Release 0.1 (2017 03)
-- NEW:
-- A method for obtaining a bibtex citation for a Macaulay2 package.
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
newPackage (
Version => "0.1",
Date => "2017 03 28",
Authors => {{
Name => "Aaron Dall",
Email => "aaronmdall -at-",
HomePage => ""}},
Headline => "A Macaulay2 software package facilitating citation of Macaulay2 packages",
DebuggingMode => true,
HomePage => ""

export {
--"hasGoodHeadline", -- internal method
--"quotesToTex", -- internal method
--"wrapTexStrings", -- internal method
--"headlineToTex" -- internal method

-- store for the TeX equivalent of needed diacritics and symbols
-- add symbols as needed
-- note that the length of a diacritic (as a string in M2) is 2
texStore = hashTable {
///Macaulay2/// => ///\emph{Macaulay2}///,
///Macaulay 2/// => ///\emph{Macaulay2}///,
///Mbar_\{g,n\}/// => ///$Mbar_{g,n}$///,
///á/// => ///{\'a}///,
///å/// => ///{\aa}///,
///æ/// => ///{\ae}///,
///è/// => ///{\`e}///,
///é/// => ///{\'e}///,
///ò/// => ///{\`o}///,
///ø/// => ///{\o}///,


-- An internal method for checking if a package headline is a good
-- candidate for use in the citation title.
-- A good package headline satisfies the following conditions
-- (1) is n words with 0 < n <= 10,
-- (2) is not a repeat of the title, and
-- (3) does not contain a colon
hasGoodHeadline = method (TypicalValue => Boolean)
hasGoodHeadline Package := P -> (
T := P#"title";
H := P#Options#Headline;
-- check for a colon in the headline
if regex(":", H) =!= null then return false else
-- check length of headline
L := separate (" ", H);
if #L == 0 or #L > 10 then return false else
-- check for nontrivial headline content
--first check if title and headline are identical
if T === H then return false else
-- then list each word of headline with first letter removed
reducedHeadline := apply (L, w -> substring (w, 1, #w));
-- list each word (starting with an upper case letter) of title
-- with first letter removed
reducedTitle := delete("" ,separate(" ", replace ("[[:upper:]]", " ", T)));
-- compare reducedTitle and reducedHeadline
if #reducedHeadline == #reducedTitle and all (
i -> isSubset (
characters reducedHeadline#i,
characters reducedTitle#i)
or isSubset (
characters reducedTitle#i,
characters reducedHeadline#i)
then return false
else return true

-- method for converting pairs " " of quotes to latex style `` "
quotesToTex = method (TypicalValue => String)
quotesToTex String := S -> (
quoteLocations := select (#characters S, i -> (characters S)#i == "\"");
charS := characters S;
i := 0;
while i < #quoteLocations do (
if even i
then (
charS = replace (quoteLocations#i, ///``///, charS),
i = i+1;)
else charS=charS, i = i+1);
concatenate charS
wrapTexStrings = method (TypicalValue => String)
wrapTexStrings String := S -> (
k := # texStore;
i := 0;
while i < k do (
S = replace ((keys texStore)#i,texStore#((keys texStore)#i), S);
i =i+1;
headlineToTex = method (TypicalValue => String)
headlineToTex Package := P -> (
if not hasGoodHeadline P then return ///A \emph{Macaulay2} package/// else
rawH := P#Options#Headline; -- package headline unprocessed
wrapTexStringsH := wrapTexStrings rawH;
removeEndStopH :=
if wrapTexStringsH#-1 == "."
then concatenate apply (#wrapTexStringsH-1, i-> wrapTexStringsH#i )
else wrapTexStringsH;
repairQuotesH := quotesToTex removeEndStopH;
-- the cite method
iCite = method (TypicalValue => String)
iCite Package := P -> (
T := P#"title"; -- package title
V := concatenate("Version~", P#Options#Version); -- package version
isInternalPackage := member(T, separate (" ", version#"packages"));
isInternalSource := P#"source directory" === prefixDirectory | currentLayout#"packages";
certificationInfo := if P#Options#Certification =!= null then hashTable P#Options#Certification else null;
-- bibtex author content
if not P#Options#?Authors
then print concatenate ("Warning: The \"", T, "\" package provides insufficient citation data: author.")
packageAuthorsWithContributors := apply(P#Options#Authors, a -> a#0#1);
packageAuthors := select (packageAuthorsWithContributors, a -> not member (":", characters a));
bibPackageAuthors := wrapTexStrings (demark (" and ", packageAuthors));
if packageAuthors === {}
then print concatenate ("Warning: The \"", T, "\" package provides insufficient citation data: author.")
else null;
-- set up bibtex string for certified packages
bibtexCert := if certificationInfo === null then null else
(bibYear := substring ((regex ("[[:digit:]]{4}", certificationInfo#"acceptance date"))#0, certificationInfo#"acceptance date");
certTitle := quotesToTex (wrapTexStrings (certificationInfo#"article title"));
concatenate (
"@article{", T, "Article,\n",
concatenate (" title = {{", certTitle, "}},\n"),
concatenate (" author = {", bibPackageAuthors, "},\n"), -- authors
concatenate (" journal = {", certificationInfo#"journal name", "},\n"),
concatenate (" volume = {", certificationInfo#"volume number", "},\n"),
concatenate (" year = {", bibYear, "},\n"),
-- set up bibtex string for package source
-- title
-- bibtex title content: name of package followed either by a good headline or "A Macaulay2 package"
bibPackageTitle := if hasGoodHeadline P
then concatenate ("{", T, ": ", headlineToTex P, ". ", V, "}")
else concatenate ("{", T, ": A \\emph{Macaulay2} package. ", V, "}");
-- bibtex howpublished content
bibPackageSource :=
if isInternalPackage and isInternalSource
then "\\url{}"
else if isInternalPackage and not isInternalSource
then if P#Options#HomePage =!= null
then concatenate("\"", toString (P#Options#HomePage), "\"")
else "\\url{}"
else if P#Options#HomePage === null
then (print concatenate ("Warning: The \"", T, "\" package provides insufficient citation data: howpublished."))
else concatenate("\\url{" ,toString (P#Options#HomePage), "}");
bibtexString :=
concatenate (
"@misc{", T, "Source,\n",
concatenate (" title = {", bibPackageTitle, "},\n"),
concatenate (" author = {", bibPackageAuthors, "},\n"),
concatenate (" howpublished = {Available at ", bibPackageSource, "}\n"),
iCite String := S -> (
if S === "M2" then return (
concatenate (
" author = {Grayson, Daniel R. and Stillman, Michael E.},\n",
" title = {Macaulay2, a software system for research in algebraic geometry},\n",
" howpublished = {Available at ", ///\///, "url{}}\n",
L := select (1, loadedPackages, p -> toString p === S);
P := if #L === 1 then L#0 else loadPackage S;
return iCite P)
-- The cite command
cite = new Command from (T -> if T === () then iCite "M2" else iCite T)
-- End of source code --
-- Begin documentation --
doc ///
a package facilitating citation of Macaulay2 packages
This is a modest package with lofty goals. It is modest because it
is a package for a powerful open-source mathematical software suite
but it contains only one method and adds exactly zero computational
ability to the platform. The one method, called @TO cite@, can be
called on any @HREF {"",
"Macaulay2"}@ package and will return a bibtex citation for
inclusion in a @HREF {"", "LaTeX"}@
document. For example, a citation for this package can be obtained
as follows.
cite "PackageCitations"
The inner workings of @TO cite@ are explained on the @TO2 {cite,
"documentation page"}@ so we won't give any details here except to
point out that the preferred citation for Macaulay2 can also be
obtained with ease.
The initial benefit of having a fast and facile mechanism for
citing packages should be that more users of the software will
include citations in their work. This, of course, will benefit the
community in a number of ways. First it will recognize the hard
work of the coders in the Macaulay2 community and second it will
serve as valuable promotion for the platform and encourage new
users and coders to join the community.
doc ///
obtain bibtex citations for Macaulay2 packages
cite P
cite S
bibtex entry or entries
When called without an argument, @TO cite@ produces the desired
reference to Macaulay2.
When applied to a loaded package @TO cite@ returns a bibtex
citation for inclusion in a LaTeX document, assuming there is
enough information included in the package to build it. Compare the
cite PackageCitations
cite Text
If @TO cite@ is given a string, then it will will load the package
if necessary and issue the corresponding citation. Note that if
the package is @TO2 {Certification, "certified"}@ then two bibtex
entries will be produced: one for the article witnessing the
certification and one for the source code. Moreover, if the
headline of a package does not meet a certain set of criteria then
a more generic title containing "A Macaulay2 package" is
produced. For example, the package PieriMaps is a certified
Macaulay2 package whose headline is deemed too long by the @TO
cite@ method.
cite "PieriMaps"
No effort is made to correct apparent typos in the package data. The
user is urged to check for correct spelling and grammar.
cite "Bruns"
-- End exported documentation --
-- Begin Tests --
-- End Tests --
uninstallPackage (PackageCitations)
installPackage (PackageCitations)
viewHelp cite

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