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Rocketseat's Explorer program ultimate challenge API. A restaurant interactive menu.

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Food Explorer API

Rocketseat's Explorer program ultimate challenge API.

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An API that helps at restaurant managing through an interactive menu.

Project developed as a result of the teachings learned at Rocketseat's program Explorer, a FullStack developer formation.

A Backend API using JavaScript and NodeJS that allows you to sign up and sign in as a default user as well as sign in as administrator.

As the first persona you will be able to edit your profile, see all the registered dishes, add them to favorites, checking and editing this list after, see it details by clicking them, add as many itens as you want to the shopping cart and see your current and previous orders.

As the second persona you will be able to create, see/ read, edit and delete (CRUD) any dishes at any time, add them to favorites, checking and edit this list after, see and control all and each one of the requests and its statuses, as well as see all the users and assign them to administrator role as needed and wanted.


The image below shows the database model used:

Macedovin Lucid Chart database model

Tech Stack and tools

Macedovin-Js Macedovin-NodeJs Macedovin-NPM Macedovin-SQLite Macedovin-Knex Macedovin-Express Macedovin-Multer Macedovin-Beekeeper Macedovin-Insomnia Macedovin-Async Macedovin-JSON Web Token Macedovin-BcryptJS Macedovin-PM2 Macedovin-Lucid Chart


  • Register a user;

  • Update user name, email, password, and avatar;

  • Show the details of an specific dish;

  • See/ read/ list/ index all available dishes;

    • In addition to being able to filter them by name or ingredient;
  • As Administrator:

    Do everything a default user can do and more.

    • List all users and change their personas, including them as other administrators;
    • Create, list/ read/ index and delete dishes categories;
    • Create and delete ingredients;
    • Create and delete dishes;
    • Update dish name, description, price, category, ingredients and picture;


Initializing the application

To view that application functioning follow along the next steps:

  • Make a clone of this repository;

  • In the project root directory, install all project dependencies by typing this command line:

     npm install

    To follow this step, NodeJS with NPM is required.

  • Define local variables as bellow:

  • The next step is to run the start command line:

     npm start
  • After that, everything going well, the project can be accessed by a localhost port seen in the command line bellow:

      Server is running on port 3333.
  • This means that a local server is running on the mentioned port;

  • To use all resources from this API, use the following base URL:


  • To make the requests, Insomnia will be used;

Using the resources


First of all, create useful roles for the establishment.

Second step should be create users, more precisely, two specific first users to attribute for each one a role of the application, setting up things for the other steps

  • Sessions

    🟢 POST/ sessions

    Description: Create sessions

    Almost all requests in this application (exception for create users, create roles, get files, create sessions) requires a Bearer token (JTW) attached to it's headers.

    To generate this token, send a request at URL bellow:



     	"email": "",
     	"password": "yourPassword123"


     	"user": {
     		"id": 2,
     		"name": "User",
     		"email": "",
     		"avatar": "6e46f9e07b5dfc170784-Your-picture.ext"
     	"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2OTA1MzIyMzYsImV4cCI6MTY5MDYxODYzNiwic3ViIjoiNCJ9.faFu6Cd8tkw4KWVdG1E8oUqfEsuNDi2znhpMQm5yStw"

    ext === extension

  • Users and roles

    🟢 POST/ roles

    Description: Create a role

    For now, this API is handling tow personas: administrator and default user. To create a role, send a request at URL:



    Use "ROLE_'NEW-ROLE'" as a pattern for the roles.

    "ROLE_USER" has to be the first one to receive id (identity/ id = 1), as this will be used later.


     	"role": "ROLE_USER",
     	"description": "Usuário padrão."
     	"role": "ROLE_ADMIN",
     	"description": "Administrador."


     	"status": 201,
     	"message": "Persona cadastrada com sucesso."

    🔵 GET/ roles

    Description: List all existing roles

    To see all existing roles in application send a request at URL bellow:



    Only an user with roles type ADMIN can receive response on this request. Otherwise, 401, UNAUTHORIZED response will be returned.


      > These requests don't need body parameters.


    Request being successful response will be something like this:

     		"id": 1,
     		"name": "ROLE_USER"
     		"id": 2,
     		"name": "ROLE_ADMIN"

    🔵 GET/ users/roles

    Description: Show the roles of the current authenticated user

    Access and verify the roles of a specific authenticated user.The URL for this is:



      >	These requests don't need body parameters.


    Everything going well, the response will be something like this:

    • Administrator
    • Default user

    🟡 PATCH/ users_roles/:id

    Description: Update any user's roles

    To update a user's role send a request at the URL:



    Only an user with roles type ADMIN can receive response on this request. Otherwise, 401, UNAUTHORIZED response will be returned.


     	"new_userRole": [


     	"message": "Nova persona atribuída ao usuário com sucesso."
  • Users

    🟢 POST/ users

    Description: Create users

    • "Administrator

      Will manage and be able to access the hole API having both roles/ personas;

    • "User"

      Will have restricted accesses and only one role/ persona ("ROLE_USER"), assigned to him as default;

    To achieve this, send the requests at URL bellow:



    As a security, it is advisable to encrypt the admin password, using the tool of your choice (this online safe password generator was used). Save it for security and future access.

    All users created without "roles" sent within request will be assigned as "*users/ default *".


    • Administrator
     	"name": "Administrador",
     	"email": "",
     	"password": "yourEncryptedPassword123",
     	"roles": [
    • Default user
     	"name": "Usuário",
     	"email": "",
     	"password": "yourPassword123"


     		"userCreated": {
     			"id": 1,
     			"name": "Administrador",
     			"email": ""
     		"status": 201,
     		"message": "Usuário cadastrado com sucesso."
     		"userCreated": {
     			"id": 2,
     			"name": "Usuário",
     			"email": ""
     		"status": 201,
     		"message": "Usuário cadastrado com sucesso."

    🟠 PUT/ users

    Description: Update a user

    Any user can update your own profile data changing few information. They can be changed one by one only, or all at once.

    To achieve this a request must be sent to the URL bellow:



     	"new_name": "Updated name",
     	"new_email": "",
     	"new_password": "123456",
     	"current_password": "123"


     	"updatedUser": {
     		"name": "Updated name",
     		"email": "",
     		"avatar": null,
     		"updated_at": "2023-06-30 21:37:36"
     	"message": "Os dados foram atualizados com sucesso."

    By default the user avatar field is null as the user can be created without an avatar.

    ext === extension

    🟡 PATCH/ users/avatar

    Description: Update a user avatar image

    Any user can update your own avatar image file.

    To achieve this send a request to the URL bellow:



    By default the user avatar field is null as the user can be created without an avatar.


      > Send the chosen image file inside a form (new FormData( )) appended in a field called "avatar".


    If everything goes fine, the response will be something like this:

     	"updatedUserWithAvatar": {
     		"name": "Vinicius",
     		"email": "",
     		"avatar": "3a1f55a9d727b6adbb67-Updated-file-name_avatar.ext",
     		"updated_at": "2023-07-31 03:02:39"

    ext === extension

    🔵 GET/ users_roles

    Description: List all users registered in application plus their major role

    To see all existing users send a request at URL bellow:



    Only an user with roles type ADMIN can receive response on this request. Otherwise, 401, UNAUTHORIZED response will be returned.


      > These requests don't need body parameters.


    Everything going well, the response will be something like this:

     		"user_id": 1,
     		"user_name": "Administrador",
     		"email": "",
     		"created_at": "2023-05-26 14:01:43",
     		"role_id": 2,
     		"role_name": "ROLE_ADMIN",
     		"max(`role_id`)": 2
     		"user_id": 3,
     		"user_name": "Administrator's name 1",
     		"email": "",
     		"created_at": "2023-05-26 14:02:23",
     		"role_id": 2,
     		"role_name": "ROLE_ADMIN",
     		"max(`role_id`)": 2
     		"user_id": 4,
     		"user_name": "Administrator's name 2",
     		"email": "",
     		"created_at": "2023-05-26 17:41:14",
     		"role_id": 1,
     		"role_name": "ROLE_ADMIN",
     		"max(`role_id`)": 1
     		"user_id": 2,
     		"user_name": "Usuário",
     		"email": "",
     		"created_at": "2023-05-26 14:02:01",
     		"role_id": 1,
     		"role_name": "ROLE_USER",
     		"max(`role_id`)": 1
     		"user_id": 5,
     		"user_name": "User's name 1",
     		"email": "",
     		"created_at": "2023-05-30 14:53:38",
     		"role_id": 1,
     		"role_name": "ROLE_USER",
     		"max(`role_id`)": 1
     		"user_id": 6,
     		"user_name": "User's name 1",
     		"email": "",
     		"created_at": "2023-06-29 21:07:36",
     		"role_id": 1,
     		"role_name": "ROLE_USER",
     		"max(`role_id`)": 1
  • Dishes Categories

    🟢 POST/ dish_categories

    Description: Create categories to group dishes

    All dishes created must be attached to a category.

    They can be created together with a new dish, or alone, depending on demand.

    In order to create a category send a request to the URL bellow:



    Only an user with roles type ADMIN can receive response on this request. Otherwise, 401, UNAUTHORIZED response will be returned.


     	"name": "Salads"


     	"category": {
     		"id": 1,
     		"name": "Salads"
     	"message": "Categoria cadastrada com sucesso."

    🔵 GET/ dish_categories

    Description: List/ Index all categories

    To see all existing categories in application send a request to the URL bellow:



    Only an user with roles type ADMIN can receive response on this request. Otherwise, 401, UNAUTHORIZED response will be returned.


      > These requests don't need body parameters.


    All doing well, the response will be something like this:

     		"id": 1,
     		"name": "Salads",
     		"created_at": "2023-05-26 14:04:52"
     		"id": 2,
     		"name": "Meals",
     		"created_at": "2023-05-26 14:04:58"
     		"id": 3,
     		"name": "Desserts",
     		"created_at": "2023-05-26 14:05:04"

    🔴 DELETE/ dish_categories/:id

    Description: Delete a specific category

    In order to delete an existing category a request must be sent to the URL:



    Only an user with roles type ADMIN can receive response on this request. Otherwise, 401, UNAUTHORIZED response will be returned.


      > These requests don't need body parameters.


     	"message": "Categoria excluída com sucesso."
  • Dishes

    🟢 POST/ dishes

    Description: Create dishes

    To achieve the creation of a dish, inside a form ("new FormData( )"), send a request at the URL:


    The mentioned form must contains two fields:

    • "data" -> which has the necessary fields that composes a dish;
    • "picture" -> which has the image file;


    Only an user with roles type ADMIN can receive response on this request. Otherwise, 401, UNAUTHORIZED response will be returned.

    By default the dish picture field is null as a dish can be created without a picture.


     	"data": {
     		"name": "Colorful salad",	
     		"description": "A salad description.",
     		"price": 26.70,
     		"category_id": 1,
     		"ingredients": [ 
     	"picture": null


     		"id": 1,
     		"name": "Colorful salad",	
     		"description": "A salad description.",
     		"price": 26.70,
     		"picture": null,
     		"category_id": 1,
     		"created_at": "2023-07-31 03:39:42",
     		"message": "Prato cadastrado com sucesso."

    1 -> The ID number of the created dish.

    ext === extension.

    🔵 GET/ dishes

    Description: List/ Index all dishes

    To see/ show all existing dishes in the application send a request to the URL bellow:



      > These requests don't need body parameters.


    Request being successful the response will be something like this:

     		"category_id": 1,
     		"category_name": "Meals",
     		"dishes": [
     				"id": 1,
     				"name": "First meal",
     				"description": "Dish description.",
     				"picture": "84640a87b0217aa5f28a-Prato_1.png",
     				"price": 25.99,
     				"category_id": 1,
     				"created_at": "2023-05-26 14:06:31",
     				"updated_at": "2023-07-21 21:32:11",
     				"ingredients": [
     						"dish_id": 1,
     						"id": 1,
     						"name": "rice"
     						"dish_id": 1,
     						"id": 2,
     						"name": "beans"
     						"dish_id": 1,
     						"id": 28,
     						"name": "french fries"
     				"id": 2,
     				"name": "Second meal",
     				"description": "Dish description.",
     				"picture": null,
     				"price": 52.9,
     				"category_id": 1,
     				"created_at": "2023-05-26 14:07:14",
     				"updated_at": "2023-05-26 14:07:14",
     				"ingredients": [
     						"dish_id": 2,
     						"id": 1,
     						"name": "rice"
     						"dish_id": 2,
     						"id": 2,
     						"name": "beans"
     						"dish_id": 2,
     						"id": 7,
     						"name": "cassava"
     				"id": 5,
     				"name": "Third meal",
     				"description": "Dish description.",
     				"picture": "ab08e5efb3b7848f4cfc-Badge.svg",
     				"price": 9.99,
     				"category_id": 1,
     				"created_at": "2023-07-20 18:23:02",
     				"updated_at": "2023-07-21 21:37:48",
     				"ingredients": [
     						"dish_id": 21,
     						"id": 26,
     						"name": "steak"
     						"dish_id": 21,
     						"id": 28,
     						"name": "french fries"
     		"category_id": 2,
     		"category_name": "Beverages",
     		"dishes": [
     				"id": 3,
     				"name": "First beverage",
     				"description": "Beverage description.",
     				"picture": null,
     				"price": 2.9,
     				"category_id": 2,
     				"created_at": "2023-05-26 14:09:04",
     				"updated_at": "2023-05-26 14:09:04",
     				"ingredients": [
     						"dish_id": 3,
     						"id": 4,
     						"name": "water"
     				"id": 6,
     				"name": "Second beverage",
     				"description": "Beverage description.",
     				"picture": "e8a7164f72c6155b94b4-Prato_2.png",
     				"price": 12.99,
     				"category_id": 2,
     				"created_at": "2023-05-26 14:09:38",
     				"updated_at": "2023-05-26 14:09:38",
     				"ingredients": [
     						"dish_id": 4,
     						"id": 4,
     						"name": "water"
     						"dish_id": 4,
     						"id": 5,
     						"name": "tea"
     		"category_id": 3,
     		"category_name": "Desserts",
     		"dishes": [
     				"id": 4,
     				"name": "First dessert",
     				"description": "Dessert description.",
     				"picture": "d2678453d443d27d2b5e-doce.png",
     				"price": 23.75,
     				"category_id": 3,
     				"created_at": "2023-05-26 14:14:33",
     				"updated_at": "2023-07-21 21:36:36",
     				"ingredients": [
     						"dish_id": 6,
     						"id": 10,
     						"name": "sugar"
     						"dish_id": 6,
     						"id": 8,
     						"name": "dough"
     						"dish_id": 6,
     						"id": 29,
     						"name": "almonds"

    🔵 GET/ dishes/:id

    Description: Show a specific dish

    In order to access/ see an specific dish a request must be sent to the URL bellow:



      > These requests don't need body parameters.


    All doing well, the response will be something like this:

     	"category_id": 6,
     	"category_name": "Burgers",
     	"dish_id": 21,
     	"dish_name": "Burger description",
     	"picture": "84640a87b0217aa5f28a-Prato_1.png",
     	"price": 25.99,
     	"description": "Primeiro prato.",
     	"dishIngredients": [
     			"id": 21,
     			"name": "steak"
     			"id": 28,
     			"name": "french fries"
     			"id": 11,
     			"name": "cheese"
     			"id": 16,
     			"name": "ham"

    🟠 PUT/ dishes/:id

    Description: Update dishes

    All dishes data can be updated at any time. Change only one data or all at once.

    To achieve this, inside a form ("new FormData( )"), send a request at the URL:


    The mentioned form must contains two fields:

    • "data" -> which has the necessary fields that composes a dish;
    • "picture" -> which has the image file;


    Only an user with roles type ADMIN can receive response on this request. Otherwise, 401, UNAUTHORIZED response will be returned.

    By default the dish picture field is null as a dish can be created without a picture.


     	"data": {
     		"new_name": "New colorful salad",	
     		"new_description": "A new salad description.",
     		"new_price": 37.60,
     		"new_category_id": 4,
     		"new_ingredients": [ 
     	"picture": "Your-dish-picture-file_name.ext"


    If everything goes fine, the response will be something like this:

     		"updatedDish": {
     			"id": 1,
     			"name": "New colorful salad",	
     			"description": "A new salad description.",
     			"price": 37.60,
     			"picture": "d4c43e6410d3df10f8d8-Your-dish-picture-file_name.ext",
     			"category_id": 4,
     			"created_at": "2023-05-26 14:09:38",
     			"updated_at": "2023-08-01 11:33:42"
     		"newDishIngredients": [
     				"id": 22,
     				"name": "broccoli"
     				"id": 31,
     				"name": "carrot"
     		"message": "Prato cadastrado com sucesso."

    ext === extension

    🔴 DELETE/ dishes/:id

    Description: Delete a specific dish

    Existing and registered dishes can be deleted at any time.

    In order to delete an existing dish a request using the DELETE method must be sent to the URL bellow:



    Only an user with roles type ADMIN can receive response on this request. Otherwise, 401, UNAUTHORIZED response will be returned.


      > These requests don't need body parameters.


     	"message": "Prato excluído com sucesso."
  • Ingredients

    🟢 POST/ ingredients

    Description: Create ingredients

    All dishes created must contain at least one ingredient that composes it.

    They can be created together with a new dish, or alone, depending on demand.

    To create a new standalone ingredient, send a request at the URL:



    Only an user with roles type ADMIN can receive response on this request. Otherwise, 401, UNAUTHORIZED response will be returned.


     	"name": "potato"


     	"message": "Ingrediente cadastrado com sucesso."

    🔴 DELETE/ ingredients/:id

    Description: Delete specific ingredients

    Existing and registered ingredients can be deleted at any time.

    In order to delete an ingredient a request must be sent to the URL bellow:



    Only an user with roles type ADMIN can receive response on this request. Otherwise, 401, UNAUTHORIZED response will be returned.


      > These requests don't need body parameters.


     	"message": "Ingrediente excluído com sucesso."
  • Favorites

    🟢 POST/ favorites/:dish_id

    Description: Create favorites

    All dishes in application can be set as favorite by any registered user (regardless the roles it has).

    To set a dish as favorite send a request to the URL bellow:



      > These requests don't need body parameters.


     		"favorited": 46
     		"message": "Prato favoritado com sucesso."

    🔵 **GET/ favorites

    Description: List/ Index all favorites dishes of an user

    To see all dishes in the application that a registered user has set as favorite send a request to the URL bellow:



      > These requests don't need body parameters.


    Everything going fine, response will be something like this:

     		"favorite_id": 1,
     		"user_id": 2,
     		"dish_id": 5,
     		"name": "Third beverage",
     		"picture": "ac4911ab4f1f2f19c1eb-Dish-picture-name.ext",
     		"price": 12.99
     		"favorite_id": 4,
     		"user_id": 2,
     		"dish_id": 16,
     		"name": "Fifth meal",
     		"picture": null,
     		"price": 22.50

    ext === extension

    🔴 DELETE/ favorites/:dish_id

    Description: Delete favorites of an user

    Registered users can remove from favorites any dish once favorited by them.

    In order to delete a dish from a user's favorites list, send a request using the DELETE method to the URL bellow:



      > These requests don't need body parameters.


     	"message": "Favorito excluído com sucesso."
  • Orders

    🟢 POST/ orders

    Description: Create orders

    All registered users can make dishes orders requests defining the dish and it's quantity.

    In order to achieve this, a request must be sent at the URL bellow:



    The orders created will have the status ID of 1 (one), by default. So, the first status created must be de default status for the orders in each establishment.


     		"dish_id": 18,
     		"quantity": 1
     		"dish_id": 2,
     		"quantity": 3
     		"dish_id": 20,
     		"quantity": 7
     		"dish_id": 9,
     		"quantity": 1


    Everything going well, this will be the response:

     	"message": "Pedido cadastrado com sucesso."

    A JSON message along with a status code 201.

    🔵 GET/ orders

    Description: List/ Index all the orders of a specific user

    Any registered user can have access to their own orders history inside application.

    To list all orders of made by a user send a request to the URL bellow:



      > These requests don't need body parameters.


    As a result, the response will be like this:

     		"order_id": 36,
     		"created_at": "2023-08-11 09:16:01",
     		"status_id": 1,
     		"status": "Pendente",
     		"dishes": [
     				"order_id": 36,
     				"dish_id": 1,
     				"name": "Meal 1",
     				"quantity": 2
     				"order_id": 36,
     				"dish_id": 4,
     				"name": "Beverage 2",
     				"quantity": 1
     		"order_id": 32,
     		"created_at": "2023-08-02 20:54:42",
     		"status_id": 1,
     		"status": "Pendente",
     		"dishes": [
     				"order_id": 32,
     				"dish_id": 2,
     				"name": "Meal 2",
     				"quantity": 3
     				"order_id": 32,
     				"dish_id": 9,
     				"name": "Dessert",
     				"quantity": 1
     				"order_id": 32,
     				"dish_id": 18,
     				"name": "Another good meal",
     				"quantity": 1
     				"order_id": 32,
     				"dish_id": 20,
     				"name": "Beverage",
     				"quantity": 7
     		"order_id": 33,
     		"created_at": "2023-08-02 20:54:53",
     		"status_id": 1,
     		"status": "Entregue",
     		"dishes": [
     				"order_id": 33,
     				"dish_id": 18,
     				"name": "Another good",
     				"quantity": 1

    🔵 GET/ orders/:id

    Description: Show a specific order

    Any registered user can access each one of their own previous orders in detail.

    To access a specific order of any registered user, send the order ID to the URL bellow:



      > These requests don't need body parameters.


     	"order_id": 1,
     	"user_id": 3,
     	"user_name": "User",
     	"order_date": "2023-08-01 17:38:08",
     	"status_id": 1,
     	"status": "Pendente",
     	"orderDishes": [
     			"dish_id": 1,
     			"quantity": 1,
     			"price": 25.99
     			"dish_id": 2,
     			"quantity": 2,
     			"price": 52.9
     			"dish_id": 3,
     			"quantity": 2,
     			"price": 2.9
     	"orderTotal": [
     			"Total": 137.59

    🟠 PUT/ orders/:id

    Description: Update orders

    If wanted or necessary registered users can be allowed to update one of their orders.

    In order to achieve this a request must be sent to the URL bellow:



     		"dish_id": 2,
     		"quantity": 3
     		"dish_id": 1,
     		"quantity": 2


    Everything going well, this will be the response:

     	"message": "Pedido atualizado com sucesso."

    🔴 DELETE/ orders/:id

    Description: Delete orders

    If wanted or necessary any order in application can be deleted.

    In order to delete an order from any user , send a request using the DELETE method to the URL bellow:



    Only an user with roles type ADMIN can receive response on this request. Otherwise, 401, UNAUTHORIZED response will be returned.


      > These requests don't need body parameters.


     	"message": "Pedido excluído com sucesso."
  • All orders

    🔵 GET/ all_orders

    Description: List/ Index all application's orders

    All orders made using the application can be indexed ordered by it's status.

    To access this data send a request to the URL bellow:



    Only an user with roles type ADMIN can receive response on this request. Otherwise, 401, UNAUTHORIZED response will be returned.


      > These requests don't need body parameters.


    The response to this request will be something like this:

     		"order_id": 33,
     		"user_id": 10,
     		"user_name": "User name 10",
     		"order_date": "2023-08-02 20:54:53",
     		"status_id": 1,
     		"status": "Pendente",
     		"dishes": [
     				"order_id": 33,
     				"dish_id": 18,
     				"dish_name": "New meal name",
     				"quantity": 1,
     				"price": 12.57
     		"order_id": 31,
     		"user_id": 4,
     		"user_name": "Cláudio ",
     		"order_date": "2023-08-02 20:54:06",
     		"status_id": 1,
     		"status": "Pendente",
     		"dishes": [
     				"order_id": 29,
     				"dish_id": 2,
     				"dish_name": "Refeição 2",
     				"quantity": 3,
     				"price": 52.9
     				"order_id": 29,
     				"dish_id": 18,
     				"dish_name": "Novo nome de um prato",
     				"quantity": 1,
     				"price": 12.57
     		"order_id": 32,
     		"user_id": 10,
     		"user_name": "User name 15",
     		"order_date": "2023-08-02 20:54:42",
     		"status_id": 1,
     		"status": "Preparando",
     		"dishes": [
     				"order_id": 32,
     				"dish_id": 2,
     				"dish_name": "Meal 2",
     				"quantity": 3,
     				"price": 52.9
     				"order_id": 32,
     				"dish_id": 9,
     				"dish_name": "Dessert",
     				"quantity": 1,
     				"price": 6.90
     				"order_id": 32,
     				"dish_id": 18,
     				"dish_name": "Beverage 4",
     				"quantity": 1,
     				"price": 12.57
     				"order_id": 32,
     				"dish_id": 20,
     				"dish_name": "Another meal",
     				"quantity": 7,
     				"price": 19.99
     		"order_id": 30,
     		"user_id": 4,
     		"user_name": "User name 3",
     		"order_date": "2023-08-02 20:54:20",
     		"status_id": 1,
     		"status": "Entregue",
     		"dishes": [
     				"order_id": 30,
     				"dish_id": 1,
     				"dish_name": "First meal name",
     				"quantity": 1,
     				"price": 12.57

    🟡 PATCH/ all_orders/:id

    Description: Update orders statuses

    Update orders by changing their status.

    To change a specific order status send a request at the URL bellow, passing the order ID as route parameter:



    Only an user with roles type ADMIN can receive response on this request. Otherwise, 401, UNAUTHORIZED response will be returned.


     	"new_status": "2"

    2 -> The ID number of an existing status.


    No issues happening, the response will be the one bellow:

     	"message": "Pedido atualizado com sucesso."
  • Statuses

    🟢 POST/ statuses

    Description: Create a new status for orders

    By default, the application has no status.

    In order to create the needed statuses for each establishment and situation, send it's "value" as a request body parameter to the URL bellow:



    Only an user with roles type ADMIN can receive response on this request. Otherwise, 401, UNAUTHORIZED response will be returned.


     	"value": "Pendente"


     	"message": "Status cadastrado com sucesso."

    🔵 GET/ statuses

    Description: List/ Index all existing statuses

    List all application existing statuses.

    In order to access these data a request using the GET method must be sended to URL bellow:



    Only an user with roles type ADMIN can receive response on this request. Otherwise, 401, UNAUTHORIZED response will be returned.


      > These requests don't need body parameters.


    Requests being successful, responses will be something like this:

     		"id": 1,
     		"value": "Pendente"
     		"id": 2,
     		"value": "Preparando"
     		"id": 3,
     		"value": "Entregue"
  • Files

    🔵 GET/ files/avatar/image-name.ext

    Description: Request an Avatar file as response

    Serves an image previously uploaded as "avatar" to a front-end environment.

    To access the file send a request to the URL bellow:


    ext === file extension


      > These requests don't need body parameters.


    Everything going well, the avatar image file will be received as response.

    🔵 GET /files/picture/image-name.ext

    Description: Request a Picture file as response

    Serves an image previously uploaded as "picture" at the creation or at update of a dish to a front-end environment.

    To access the file send a request to the URL bellow:


    ext === file extension


      > These requests don't need body parameters.


    Everything going well, the "picture" image file will be received as response.


Clone this repository!

  • Make a clone of this repository:

     git clone
  • Access the repository directory:

     $cd FoodExplorer_API.git
  • Initialize the application


See this API in action:

⚠️ Important!!!

This project is using free hoisting for the backend, so there may be delays in server response time.


Foto de Macedovin

Projeto criado pela Rocketseat e desenvolvido por Vinicius Macedo.

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Rocketseat's Explorer program ultimate challenge API. A restaurant interactive menu.







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