Application that list only your favorite GitHub profiles at your choice!
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GitFav is an application wich you can favorite GitHub users, after a briefly search by their username.
Project developed as an apprentice exercise during Stage 06 of Rocketseat's learning "Trilha Explorer".
The project concept intends to give some practice and learning about:
Tables in HTML and CSS;
Accessibility -> SR-only (screen reader only) CSS class;
Using external APIs in an application;
OOP -> Object Oriented Programming and it's principles;
- Inheritance;
- Polymorphism;
- Encapsulation;
- Abstraction;
Classes and objects;
Functional programming -> Immutability;
Browser localStorage usage and application;
JavaScript - Asynchronous and promises -> Async/ await;
Control flow and error handling -> Try/ Catch/ Throw.
To reach this layout, based on the original project of Daniel Duarte, provided by Rocketseat, I used FIGMA:
Responsive -> Access this by Desktop or mobile;
Modes -> Choose beteween dark e light;
Search engine -> Find GitHub users by their username;
Having a search match, you will see:
- The user profile picture, name and username;
- The number of repositories, and;
- The number of followers it have.
Keyboard navigation -> Press ENTER to favorite the ones you like most;
Table display -> All the choosen repositories will be disposed in a list;
Stylized scrollbar (Chrome and Mozilla Firefox) -> Browse the list;
Remove button -> Remove the users you want;
Add them again to the list at any time.
To view that project published:
GitFav your favorite GitHub users!
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Projeto criado pela Rocketseat e desenvolvido por Vinicius Macedo.