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A responsive React app for searching and viewing GitHub user profiles using the GitHub API. Developed as a challenge from Built with React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and tested with Jest & React Testing Library.

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Repository files navigation

GitHub User Search


📝 About the Project

This project represents an effort to accurately recreate a given design using our preferred technology stack. Utilizing the capabilities of the GitHub API, the application facilitates user searches and showcases the fetched data, mirroring the original design aesthetics.

Project assumptions:

  • The application should display optimally based on the user's device screen size.
  • All interactive elements on the page should have defined states for events such as mouse hover.
  • Users should be able to search for other GitHub users by their username.
  • Upon search, the application should present relevant information about the found user.
  • Users should be able to switch between light and dark themes for the application.
  • The application should automatically adapt to the preferred color scheme of the user's operating system.

Additional Assumptions:

  • When data is being fetched, users should be presented with a loading effect or animation to indicate that the application is processing their request.
  • The application should offer a keyboard shortcut or a feature that allows quick navigation to the "Search" section.
  • The application will be covered with unit tests to ensure the correct functionality of key features and components.

⚡️ Local Setup

  1. Download or clone the repository.
  2. Navigate to the project directory in your terminal.
  3. Run npm install to install all dependencies.
  4. Run npm start to start the development server.
  5. Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the app.

⚙️ Running Tests

To run the tests, you can use the command npm test. This will start the test runner and run all tests in the project. You can also use the command npm test [path-to-test-file] to run a specific test file.

📂 Folders

|   └── ...
├── components/
│   ├── Header/
│   │   ├── Header.tsx
│   │   └── Header.test.tsx
│   │── SearchForm/
│   │   ├── SearchForm.tsx
│   │   └── SearchForm.test.tsx
|   │── SearchUser/
│   │   ├── SearchUser.tsx
│   │   └── SearchUser.test.tsx
|   │── UserDetails/
│   │   ├── UserDetails.tsx
│   │   └── UserDetails.test.tsx
|   └── UserLoading/
│       ├── UserLoading.tsx
│       └── UserLoading.test.tsx
├── context/
|   └── ThemeContext.tsx
├── App.tsx
├── App.test.tsx
├── index.tsx
├── index.css
├── reportWebVitals.tsx
└── setupTests.tsx

🪚 Built with


  • React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • TypeScript - Superset of JavaScript adding static types.


  • Tailwind CSS - A utility-first CSS framework.
  • Semantic HTML5 markup - For better accessibility and SEO.

Data Handling:

  • Axios - Promise-based HTTP client.
  • GitHub API - To fetch user profiles.


  • Jest - JavaScript testing framework.
  • React Testing Library - For testing React components.

Best Practices:

  • Mobile-first workflow - Designing for mobile platforms before scaling up to larger screens.

👨‍💻 Author

Maciej Narejko

💖 Acknowledgments

Thanks to the community for a code review. Together we create better code.


A responsive React app for searching and viewing GitHub user profiles using the GitHub API. Developed as a challenge from Built with React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and tested with Jest & React Testing Library.







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