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3. Groups

Artur Marzano edited this page Dec 17, 2024 · 10 revisions

Membership Queries

The groups page can be used to look up the members of a group, or the groups including an object:


Hitting ENTER on top of any object will pivot to the other panel - for instance, if you hit ENTER on a member of a group, godap will prefill the selected member into the query for other groups that contain the object. On the other hand, hitting ENTER on a group will make godap prefill the selected group into the query for members of that group. This keybinding intends to make it easy to navigate group memberships.

The MaxDepth field can be used to control the depth of the recursion for the search. The possible values are:

  • -1 - Searches recursively without limits
  • 0 - Searches the first level only
  • Any positive value X - searches a maximum of X levels of recursion

Modifying Groups

In any of the panels in the groups page you can use the Ctrl+G keybinding on top of an object to open the Add Group Member page, where you can either add the selected object to a group or add an object to the selected group.

In the groups page you can also use Delete to remove a member from a group - please note that this is the only page where Delete does that, and in other pages it can really delete objects and attributes (it will always prompt for confirmation before the action).

Exporting Results

You can export the members of a group or the groups of an object by selecting the respective panel and using the Ctrl+S keybinding:

Members of a group

image image

Groups including an object

image image

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