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Dewayne VanHoozer edited this page Jul 6, 2022 · 3 revisions

justprep provides a short-hand way of using a Fake Module Convention

"module" is the default value for JUSTPREP_MODULE_KEYWORD.

This allows you to have a source line in your main just file that looks like this:

module magic_spells ~/just_modules/magic_spells.just

justprep removes that line and inserts the following lines into the JUSTPREP_FILENAME_OUT file:

module_magic_spells := "~/just_modules/magic_spells.just"

magic_spells recipe='':
  just -f {{module_magic_spells}} {{recipe}}

This capability may be helpful if you find that your JUSTPREP_FILENAME_OUT are getting big from all of the other files that you have included. Or maybe you what to have the same recipe name in different contexts. Consider a deploy recipe that you have setup in modules named:

  • production.just
  • staging.just
  • integration.just
  • QA.just

So now you can do jj qa deploy and jj production deploy etc.

If you have included those just files within your main.just file only the last recipe defined would be used. So modules make sense from an orthogonal point of view.

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