The Clearing Automation Tool scans and collects the 3rd party OSS components used in a NPM/NuGet/Debian project and uploads it to SW360 and Fossology by accepting respective project ID for license clearing. The tool helps the developer/project manager to enable the clearing process faster by reducing the manual effort of creating SW360 and FOSSology workflows.
This tool has been logically split into 3 different executables that enable it to be used as separate modules as per the user's requirement.
Note: CA Tool internally uses Syft for component detection for debian type projects.
- Docker latest version
In order to consume the CA docker image directly, follow the steps below:
Clone the repo to your local machine
Build the source code
Create an image using the command below
docker build -t sw30clearingautomationtool -f Dockerfile .
The Clearing Automation Tool has 3 dll 's.
Execute them in the following order to achieve the complete License clearing process.
- Package Identifier - This executable takes
or acycloneDX BOM
as input and provides a CycloneDX BOM file as output. For each of the component the availability in jfrog artifactory is identified and added in the BOM file.
docker run --rm -it /path/to/InputDirectory:/mnt/Input -v /path/to/OutputDirectory:/mnt/Output -v /path/to/LogDirectory:/var/log -v /path/to/configDirectory:/etc/CATool sw30clearingautomationtool dotnet PackageIdentifier.dll --settingsfilepath /etc/CATool/appSetting.json
- Input (i.e., /path/to/InputDirectory -> place to keep input files)
- Output (i.e.,/path/to/OutputDirectory -> resulted files will be stored here)
- Log (i.e., /path/to/logDirectory -> logs will be stored here)
- Configuration (i.e., /path/to/ConfigDirectory -> place to keep the Config files i.e appSetting.json)
Argument List : Below is the list of settings can be made in appSetting.json file.
--packagefilepath Path to the package-lock.json file or to the directory where the project is present in case we have multiple package-lock.json files.
--cycloneDxbomfilePath Path to the cycloneDx BOM file. This should not be used along with the package file path.Please note to give only one type of input at a time.
--bomfolderpath Path to keep the generated boms
--sw360token SW360 Auth Token. Make sure to pass this in a secure way so that critical credentials are not exposed.
--sw360projectname Name of the project created in SW360. _Note: Project name is case sensitive and should be same as it is in SW360, else execution will be aborted
--projecttype Type of the package
--removedevdependency Make this field to "true" , if Dev dependencies needs to be excluded from clearing
--sw360url SW360 URL
--sw360authtokentype SW360 Auth Token Type.
--bomfilepath The file path of the *_comparisonBom.json file
--fossologyUrl Fossology URL
--EnableFossTrigger True (Default)
--artifactoryuploaduser Jfrog User Email
--jfrognpmdestreponame The destination folder name for the NPM package to be copied to
--jfrognugetdestreponame The destination folder name for the NUGET package to be copied to
--artifactoryuploadapikey Jfrog User Auth Token. Make sure to pass this in a secure way so that critical credentials are not exposed.
--timeout SW360 response timeout value
- SW360 Package Creator - This executable expects the
CycloneDX BOM
as the input, creates the missing components/releases in SW360 and links all the components to the respective project in SW360 portal and triggers the fossology upload.
docker run --rm -it /path/to/InputDirectory:/mnt/Input -v /path/to/OutputDirectory:/mnt/Output -v /path/to/LogDirectory:/var/log -v /path/to/configDirectory:/etc/CATool sw30clearingautomationtool dotnet SW360PackageCreator.dll --settingsfilepath /etc/CATool/appSetting.json
- Artifactory Uploader - This executable takes
CycloneDX BOM
which is updated by theSW360PackageCreator.dll
as input and uploads the components that are already cleared (clearing state - "Report approved") to the SIPARTY release repo in Jfrog Artifactory.
docker run --rm -it /path/to/InputDirectory:/mnt/Input -v /path/to/OutputDirectory:/mnt/Output -v /path/to/LogDirectory:/var/log -v /path/to/configDirectory:/etc/CATool sw30clearingautomationtool dotnet ArtifactoryUploader.dll --settingsfilepath /etc/CATool/appSetting.json
Detailed insight on configuration and execution is provided in Usage Doc.
These instructions will get the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Download Visual Studio 2022.
- Download Docker latest version.
- Docker image of Clearing Automation tool to be loaded locally.
- Clone the repo in your local directory
- Inside the
folder, execute the following command to build the source code :
dotnet build --configuration Release
Execute the following command inside the project's root directory where the Dockerfile
is present to make an image :
docker build -t <DockerImageName> -f Dockerfile .
Improvements are always welcome! Feel free to log a bug, write a suggestion or contribute code via merge request. To build and test the solution locally you should have .NET Core 6 installed. All details are listed in our contribution guide. See
Code and documentation Copyright 2023 Siemens AG