An implementation of a Forth-like language in Perl 6.
rabble --expression|-e [--debug|-d] <expr>
rabble [--debug|-d] <file>
rabble --repl|-r
\\ Multipy
5 2 * . \\= 10
\\ Dip below last value to apply quotation
5 10 2 [ * ] dip .S \\= [50 2]>
\\ Apply quotation
7 6 [2 3 + + +] apply . \\= 18
To build a decently well-featured Forth in Perl 6, learn more about Perl 6 and Forth in the process, and explore ideas in all aspects.
A good chunk of builtins, a REPL, and some tests have been added. Lots more words to be added but already pretty fun to fiddle with!
- Add (even) more words
- Implement a return stack
- Debugger
- Documentation
Thanks to Michael Fogus's Read-Eval-Print-λove v003 and rforth for inspiration and guidance in learning Forth and stack-oriented programming.