I have a big interest in technology (more specifically Cyber Security and protecting people online), currently working in Data Forensics. I enjoy coding cyber security projects, wondering about how AI will take over the world alongside creating interactive, user-friendly UI websites. I play football, sometimes too passionate, enjoy playing video games and being an all-round good human being. You can find me on Instagram @_madebyparker. You can also check out my personal portfolio for more.
- Plymouth University (2019 - 2020): BSc (Hons) Computer Science Foundation Year - 1st (First Class)
- Plymouth University (2020 - 2023): BSc (Hons) Computer Science (Cyber Security) - 2:1 (Upper Second)
I'm currently working on my new personal portfolio website. This will incorporate all of my knowledge of Cyber Security and Web Development to design and create an 3D interactive portfolio which will display the arsenal of skills that I have obtained through education and self learning. Follow the journey here.