Developer Web
Full Stack 👩🏻🔧 Curious 👀 🎧 Ciberseguridad 📇 Angry (sometimes) but Chida 💩 😝 #womenInTech 👩🏻🎓
I am currently a FullStack developer, I have knowledge of ReactJS, Boopstrap, CSS, HTML, JS, Serverless, MySQL, SQL and NodeJS in a microservices work environment through lambdas and Api Gateway in AWS.
Previously built web functionality using the .NET Framework and C#, Javascript (JS), AJAX, CSS, HTML5, jQwidgets, jQuery, and SQL Server.
I like to participate in different activities other than development because it allows me to learn from my colleagues, from the situation (infrastructure, tools) and I can contribute through my work, ideas, experience and solutions. I am dynamic, enthusiastic and I adapt to changes easily.
Due to this I have been able to carry out data migration, information analysis, reverse engineering, technical drawing on board marine platforms, technical support in some companies in the Oil & Gas sector, providing offshore service to users.
Personally, I have done some activities out of curiosity, to continue learning, such as:
*My personal site with Angular, Typescript and Firebase.
*I have entered some civic hacking and open, social data challenges (Social Data Challenge) in which they tried to solve a social problem in my case of an environmental nature through data science in which I used Python, Pandas, Numpy, Google Collab.
*I have been given the opportunity to participate in the AWS Academy Cloud Foundations through #INACAP (training platform of the Technological University of Chile) and in the School of Data Science dependent on the Mathematics Applications Laboratory, Cuernavaca Unit of the Institute of UNAM Mathematics.
*Basic cybersecurity and ethical hacking courses.
Interests: Data science and web development.
const Madrid = {
code: [C#, JavaScript, JAVA, Scala, Typescript],
tools: [
Angular, ReactJS, REST, MongoDB, Jquery, jQWidgets, Bootstrap,
Visual Studio, ASP.NET, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, Play, GitHub, SourceTree,
SourceSafe, IIS, VISIO, DIA, AutoCAD, JasperReport(iReport), Eclipse,
architecture: ["MVC"],
techCommunities: {
participant: "Un café con ingenieras",
participant: "Datos abiertos y Hacking Cívico"
challenge: "Create a method called flip that:
If it receives 0, it returns 1
If it receives 1, it returns 0
BUT without using IF, or SWITCH, or ternaries, or logical operators, or bitwise. "