Pivotal Tracker Scrum Board
This project is build on Python using Flask-RESTful as backend and JavaScript using AngularJS as frontend.
To create and runtime environment, considering that you already has a ready Python environment with virtualenv installed, just create a virtualenv and install requirements.
Go to the project folder
$ cd <project-folder>
Create the virtualenv inside project in a folder venv
$ virtualenv venv
Activate the virtualenv
$ source venv/bin/activate
Install requirements using pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Set the system environments variables in the .env
file located in the root of this project.
Create DataBase
$ sudo su postgres
$ psql
$ ALTER DATABASE pivocram OWNER TO pivocram;
Running migrations:
$ python manage.py db upgrade
For this moment, you will need to manually add an user to the database. To generate o password hash, use a Python Console and:
$ python
$ from passlib.apps import custom_app_context
$ custom_app_context.encrypt('your-password')
After everything installed and the user created in DB, run the app
$ python run.py
The frontend environment uses Grunt
to build assets. Grunt is based on Node.JS
and also use compass
ruby gem to compile sass files in css.
You will need bower
too to download all JavaScripts dependencies before build the assets with grunt.
Install bower and grunt:
$ npm install
If you get any error about command not found
running grunt, you will need to install its client global:
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
To install compass, you can use gem or bundle:
$ gem install compass
$ bundle install
Now, install the bower dependencies:
$ bower install
Build all assets:
$ grunt heroku
To run an simple http server to serve the static files, use:
$ npm start
Finally, you can open the project in a web browser. The default url for localhost is
and must be accessed this way because the backend has CORS enable.