DiscoTope-3.0 predicts epitopes on input protein structures, using inverse folding representations from the ESM-IF1 model. The tool accepts both solved and predicted structures in the PDB format, and outputs per-residue epitope propensity scores in a CSV format.
- Paper: 10.3389/fimmu.2024.1322712
- Datasets: https://services.healthtech.dtu.dk/service.php?DiscoTope-3.0
- Web server (DTU): https://services.healthtech.dtu.dk/service.php?DiscoTope-3.0
- Web server (BioLib): https://biolib.com/DTU/DiscoTope-3/
- Google Colab:
To try DiscoTope-3.0 without installing it, please see our DTU Healthtech webserver
- data: Example input files, including test set
- discotope3: Source code
- output: DiscoTope-3.0 output examples
# Setup environment and install
conda create --name inverse python=3.9 -y
conda activate inverse
conda install -c pyg pyg -y
conda install -c conda-forge pip -y
git clone https://github.com/Magnushhoie/discotope3_web/
cd discotope3_web/
pip install .
# Unzip models to use
unzip models.zip
# 1. Predict single PDB (solved structure)
python discotope3/main.py --pdb_or_zip_file data/example_pdbs_solved/7c4s.pdb
# CPU only:
python discotope3/main.py --cpu_only --pdb_or_zip_file data/example_pdbs_solved/7c4s.pdb
We highly recommend using an Ubuntu OS and Conda (miniconda or anaconda) for installing required dependencies.
Predictions are faster using a GPU and the recommended versions of pytorch, pytorch-geometric and cudatoolkit, but these exact versions are not required.
# Setup environment with conda
conda create -n inverse python=3.9
conda activate inverse
conda install pytorch=1.11 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch
conda install pyg -c pyg -c conda-forge
conda install pip
# install pip dependencies
pip install .
# install pip dependencies
pip install -r requirements_recommended.txt
pip install .
- GPU is optional. Recommended 16 GB ram, 2+ cores CPU.
- Linux operating system (e.g. Ubuntu 18.04), but works on MacOS
- Python 3.9
- Pytorch 1.11
- cudatoolkit 11.3
- Pytorch geometric 2.0.4
- Biopython
- Biotite
- pandas
- numpy
- py-xgboost-gpu
DiscoTope-3.0 can predict a single PDB, a folder or ZIP file of PDBs, or fetch PDBs using their IDs from RCSB or AlphafoldDB to predict them.
On a common workstation with a GPU, predictions takes <1 second per PDB chain with ~ 15 seconds for loading needed libraries and model weight.
Set the --struc_type parameter to 'solved' for experimentally solved structures (default) or 'alphafold' for modelled structures.
Note that DiscoTope-3.0 splits PDB structures into single chains before prediction, unless --multi_chain_mode is set.
# Unzip models
unzip models.zip
# Now select one of multiple options:
# 1. Predict single PDB (solved)
python discotope3/main.py --pdb_or_zip_file data/example_pdbs_solved/7c4s.pdb
# 2. Predict AlphaFold structure
python discotope3/main.py --pdb_or_zip_file data/example_pdbs_alphafold/7tdm_B.pdb --struc_type alphafold
# 3. Predict a folder of PDBs
python discotope3/main.py --pdb_dir data/example_pdbs_solved --out_dir output/example_pdbs_solved
# 4. Predict a ZIP file of PDBs
python discotope3/main.py --pdb_or_zip_file pdbs_in_zipfile.zip --out_dir output/pdbs_in_zipfile
# 5. Fetch PDBs from RCSB
python discotope3/main.py --list_file pdb_list_solved.txt --struc_type solved --out_dir output/pdb_list_solved
# 6. Fetch PDBs from Alphafolddb
python discotope3/main.py --list_file pdb_list_af2.txt --struc_type alphafold --out_dir output/pdb_list_af2
Predict B-cell epitope propensity on input protein PDB structures
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f PDB_OR_ZIP_FILE, --pdb_or_zip_file PDB_OR_ZIP_FILE
Input file, either single PDB or compressed zip file with multiple PDBs
--list_file LIST_FILE
File with PDB or Uniprot IDs, fetched from RCSB/AlphaFolddb
--struc_type STRUC_TYPE
Structure type from file (solved | alphafold)
--pdb_dir PDB_DIR Directory with AF2 PDBs
--out_dir OUT_DIR Job output directory
--models_dir MODELS_DIR
Path for .json files containing trained XGBoost ensemble
--calibrated_score_epi_threshold CALIBRATED_SCORE_EPI_THRESHOLD
Calibrated-score threshold for epitopes [low 0.40, moderate (0.90), higher 1.50]
Skip Calibrated-normalization of PDBs
--check_existing_embeddings CHECK_EXISTING_EMBEDDINGS
Check for existing embeddings to load in pdb_dir
--cpu_only Use CPU even if GPU is available (default uses GPU if available)
--max_gpu_pdb_length MAX_GPU_PDB_LENGTH
Maximum PDB length to embed on GPU (1000), otherwise CPU
--multichain_mode Predicts entire complexes, unsupported and untested
--save_embeddings SAVE_EMBEDDINGS
Save embeddings to pdb_dir
--web_server_mode Flag for printing HTML output
-v VERBOSE, --verbose VERBOSE
Verbose logging
DiscoTope-3.0 splits input PDBs into single-chain PDB files, then predict per-residue epitope propensity scores. Outputs are saved in both PDB and CSV format.
The CSV output files contains per-residue outputs, with the following column headers:
- PDB ID and chain name
- Relative residue index (re-numbered from 1)
- Amino-acid residue, 1-letter
- DiscoTope-3.0 score (0.00 - 1.00)
- Predicted epitope (True or False), based on calibrated_score_epi_threshold (default 0.90)
- Relative surface accessibility (Shrake-Rupley, normalized using Sander scale)
- AlphaFold pLDDT score (0-100, set to 100 for non-AlphaFold structures)
- Chain length
- A binary feature set to 0 for solved and 1 for AlphaFold structures.
The PDB output files contain individual single chains with the B-factor column replaced with per-residue DiscoTope-3.0 scores (2nd right-most column). Note that the scores are multiplied by 100 as PDB files only allow 2 decimals of precision.
Example input PDB (see 7c4s.pdb):
python discotope3/main.py --pdb_or_zip_file data/example_pdbs_solved/7c4s.pdb
Example output CSV (see 7c4s_A_discotope3.csv):
Example output PDB (see 7c4s_A_discotope3.pdb): (Note DiscoTope-3.0 scores in the B-factor column)
ATOM 1 N GLY A 14 -16.773 -32.069 23.105 1.00 15.19 N
ATOM 2 CA GLY A 14 -15.595 -32.029 23.955 1.00 15.19 C
ATOM 3 C GLY A 14 -14.287 -31.844 23.204 1.00 15.19 C
ATOM 4 O GLY A 14 -13.284 -32.465 23.555 1.00 15.19 O
# Unzip AlphaFold2 test set
unzip data/test_set_af2.zip -d data/
# Run predictions on PDB folder
python discotope3/main.py \
--pdb_dir data/test_set_af2 \
--struc_type alphafold \
--out_dir output/test_set_af2
- No valid amino-acid backbone found" - DiscoTope-3.0 only predicts epitopes on amino-acids, not on non-amino acid entities like heteroatoms (e.g. water, solvents like dimethyl sulfoxide). These chains should not be specified as input.
- PDBConstructionWarning regarding discontinuous chains - Common issue with some PDB files (experimental structures only) missing co-ordinates for some atoms. As long as no backbone co-ordinates (C, Ca, N) are missing, it does not impact predictions.
# Make sure gcc and g++ versions are updated, pybind11 is available
# torch-scatter should be listed with 'conda list' or 'pip list'
# With conda:
conda install -c conda-forge pybind11 gcc cxx-compiler
# With apt-get
sudo apt-get install gcc g++
pip install pybind11
The code and data in this package is based on the following paper DiscoTope-3.0. If you use it, please cite:
AUTHOR={Høie, Magnus Haraldson and Gade, Frederik Steensgaard and Johansen, Julie Maria and Würtzen, Charlotte and Winther, Ole and Nielsen, Morten and Marcatili, Paolo },
TITLE={DiscoTope-3.0: improved B-cell epitope prediction using inverse folding latent representations},
JOURNAL={Frontiers in Immunology},
This source code is licensed under the Creative Commons license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.