Course description Everyday objects of the next future will be more connected each other. They will become interoperable devices able to communicate each other, to share data with internet and to provide meaningful, yet natural experiences. The design challenge of this envisioned scenario are several: to conceive artifacts ecosystems that move from vertical integrated single product platforms to horizontal multi-devices open protocols, to develop simplified interfaces for supporting the Internet of Things and to codify the language of the interaction between those devices and the people.
Objectives Goal of the course is to design and prototype interactive artifacts that are connected each other and to the internet and that feature a codified language of interaction. After the exploration of the state of the art of the Internet of Things, students will analyse the scenarios of use of existing everyday objects focusing on key questions such as:
- How the language of the interaction with connected objects should be? Can we codify it?
- What are the key steps of the scenario of use featuring the interaction with a connected object? Can we define patterns in order to support the user interaction? The course focuses on the practical issues related to the vision of the Internet of Things such as out the box features, interfaces and smart behaviours.