Text - Lucene analyzers - Mahout classifiers: The goal of the project is to get familiar with both Elastic Search and the Mahout logistic regression implementation and figure out to what extend ES can help getting an idea about a set of unknown text documents (e.g. through facetting).
The project needs (a sample of) the StackOverflow (SOF) dump as textual basis. It reads the dump, posts it to a running ES instance using pyes. The documents can then be retrieved, parsed and used as training input to the Mahout logistic regression classifier.
Ultimately training and classification most likely should happen as part of the indexing process. This is work for a future project.
As a second stage the project should show how classifier training would look like in a pure Hadoop setup w/o ES.
- sof_es_poster.py ... Python script to read the SOF dump and post docs to ES
- config ... tracks the ES config used for the project
- sof_trainer ... Maven project for querying ES and training the classifier
- JDK 1.6 for building and running the code
- Maven2 for building the sof_trainer module
- Elastic Search (>0.20)
- Python for posting documents to ES
- Project Lombok installed into your IDE to build the code (integrated automatically for the maven based build)
Get from Kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/c/predict-closed-questions-on-stack-overflow/data