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Node Common

A set of MakerX core NodeJS types and utilities.


This module standardises minimal environment definitions based on the NODE_ENV environment variable.

NODE_ENV Description
localdev Indicates a local development setup, code can expect to have devDependencies installed, logging is expected to be more verbose etc
dev Indicates a deployed environment with non-production data and behaviour
production Indicates the live production environment with real data and optimised behaviour
  • environment returns process.env.NODE_ENV
  • isLocalDev indicates whether the environment is localdev
  • isDev indicates whether the environment is dev
  • isProduction indicates whether the environment is production


This type can be used to optionally emit logging from packages without taking a dependency on any specific logging framework.

export type Logger = {
  error(message: string, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void
  warn(message: string, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void
  info(message: string, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void
  verbose(message: string, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void
  debug(message: string, ...optionalParams: unknown[]): void

Example usage:

logger?.verbose('About to do something')
const result = doSomething()
logger?.info('Did something', { result })

The Logger representation is compatible with Winston.

Or, if you want console output, you could use:

const logger: Logger = {
  error: (message: string, ...params: unknown[]) => console.error
  warn: (message: string, ...params: unknown[]) => console.warn
  info: (message: string, ...params: unknown[]) =>
  verbose: (message: string, ...params: unknown[]) => console.trace
  debug: (message: string, ...params: unknown[]) => console.debug



HttpClient is a class wrapping fetch to make calling Web API endpoints slightly easier:

  • supports setting a base URL so relative paths can be used
  • supports providing an function to set an authorization header on every request
  • provides individual GET POST PUT PATCH DELETE methods
  • provides default behaviour of reading the response body as JSON
  • supports a form-urlencoded body POST via postForm method
  • extracts some response info into an thrown error for non-200 responses to make error responses visible in logs


export class ThingClient extends HttpClient<BaseContext> {
  constructor(options: HttpClientOptions<BaseContext>) {

  public things(): Promise<Thing[]> {
    return this.get<Thing[]>(`things`)

  public thing(id: string): Promise<Thing> {
    return this.get<Thing>(`things/${id}`)

  public async createThing(thingInput: { name: string; date: Date }): Promise<Thing> {
    const thing = await<Thing>(`things`, { data: thingInput })'Created a thing', { thingInput, thing })

const onBehalfOfAuthFactory: HttpAuthFactory<BaseContext> = async ({ user }) => {
  const { access_token, expires_in } = await getOnBehalfOfToken({ ...oboConfig, assertionToken })
  return { authorization: `Bearer ${access_token}` }

export const createServices = (context: BaseContext): Services => {
  const httpClientOptions = {
    requestContext: context,
    logger: context.logger,
    correlationId: context.requestInfo.correlationId,
  return {
    thingClient: new ThingClient({
      authFactory: onBehalfOfAuthFactory,


If the HttpClient class is too opinionated for your use case, or you simply want a stateless wrapper for the fetch api with some sensible defaults; we export the function makeHttpRequest which is what HttpClient uses internally. This function takes care of request logging but leaves request encoding and response decoding to the consumer which offers a higher degree of flexibility.

import { makeHttpRequest } from './http'

const usersResponse = await makeHttpRequest({
  url: 'https://localhost:8080/api/users',
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    Authorization: 'Bearer abc123def',
  ensureSuccessStatusCode: false,
  logger: myLogger,
  requestLogLovel: 'debug',
  logContext: {
    service: 'My Service Name',
    version: '1.0.0',
  accept: 'application/json',
  fetchInit: {
    redirect: 'manual',

if (usersResponse.ok) {
  const users = await usersResponse.json()
} else if (usersResponse.status === 302) {
  const redirectLocation = usersResponse.headers.get('location')
} else {
  // Do something with error code???


A custom Error class which includes a responseInfo field to make investigating HTTP errors (via logs etc) a little easier.

A static create async factory will attempt to read the response body (as json, then text) and add it to the error.

const response = await fetch('', {
  method: 'POST',

if (!response.ok) throw await HttpResponseError.create(response, 'POST failed')

Polyfilling fetch for NodeJS v16

When using NodeJS v16 or below, you must polyfill the global fetch function. We recommend using node-fetch as a drop-in polyfill choice. Note: Due to node 16 and earlier versions no longer being maintained, we also strongly recommend the project be updated to the current LTS version.


A number of authorisation functions and HttpAuthFactory wrappers are exported:

Client-Credentials flow

  • getClientCredentialsToken: posts a client-credentials auth request to a token endpoint and returns an AccessToken response.
  • createClientCredentialsAuthFactory: calls getClientCredentialsToken and returns an authorization header, caching the AccessToken response until it expires, when it will fetch a new token.

On-Behalf-Of flow

  • getOnBehalfOfToken: posts an on-behalf-of auth request to a token endpoint and returns an AccessToken response
  • createClientCredentialsAuthFactory: calls createOnBehalfOfAuthFactory using an assertionToken and returns an authorization header.

Basic auth

  • getBasicAuthHeader: returns a Basic {value} auth header string based on the supplied username and password.
  • createBasicAuthFactory: calls getBasicAuthHeader and returns an authorization header.


A set of MakerX core NodeJS types and utilities








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