This library can be used to read Humidity and Temperature data from the DHT11 Humidture sensor. The library is written in C and tested on a Rasberry-Pi 4
Clone this repository to your local machine
git clone
Include the DHT11.h header file in your C file:
#include "DHT11.h"
Compile your C file and link against the DHT11 library:
gcc -o your_program your_file.c DHT11.c
or if it's not located in your project folder
gcc -I ../DHT11 -o your_program your_file.c ../DHT11/DHT11.c
The library comes with the function readDHT(int dhtPin):
the dhtPin being the GPIO pin on your Pi to which youve hooked up your DATA pin on the DHT11. (using the WiringPi GPIO numbering scheme)
The function returns a pointer to an Array which contains Integral and Decimal Humidity/Temperature values and a checksum.
If the checksum doesnt check out, or the program cant read a bit for whatever reason (it happens every now and then) it returns a NULL-pointer
#define DHTPIN 26
for(int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; i++){
delay(1000); //delay 1 sec for DHT "cooldown"
int* dht_data = readDHT(DHTPIN);
if(dht_data == NULL){ //check if something went wrong
printf("%d: Checksum Error\n", i);
printf("%d: Humidity: %d.%d%%\nTemperature: %d.%dC\n", i, dht_data[0], dht_data[1], dht_data[2], dht_data[3]);
this program reads out the values from the Sensor 100 times and prints them if the data is in tact
The datasheet advises to give the Sensor about 1 second between each readout, or else it might not be able to keep up.