Aylin - simple esoteric programming language , made just for fun.
- Means end of file. After that, the interpreter will not read
- Always integer
- Just integerin
- value from localin
cell (also can bebuf
)parent in
- value from parent function (buf
included)global in
- same with parent , but returns value from global cellfunc [name] in
- returns selected value from specific function, where:func
- Key word[name]
- Name of selected functionin
- same with usual in. Ofcourse can be (buf
function [name]
- Declares a function
- name of urs function
- Means end of function
say [value]
- Prints value in terminal
- Just ends line , adds line break
wait [value]
- Stops function for specific time
- Resets local cells to 0
invert [value]
- Invert value , multiplies value by -1
set [value1] to [value2]
- Set specific value in specific cell. Also can set values in other functions
- Where value what u want set[value2]
- In what cell u want set value
add [value1] to [value2] into [value3]
- Add two values together , and stores them in specific cell
- First term[value2]
- Second term[value3]
- Cell in what u want store result
if [value1] [condition] [value2] run [function]
- Checks for a condition, and if the condition is true runs the function
- First Value[value2]
- Second Value[condition]
- Condition , can be:equal
- Name of function what u want run , if statement true