This project contains the code used in both M. Schmidt's completed master thesis and the article The Balanced Facility Location Problem: Complexity and Heuristics by M. Schmidt and B. Singh which is currently under review. A preprint of the article is available on Optimization Online. We provide the implementations of all the algorithms and heuristics discussed in the article as well as the the instances we use to test our heuristics on.
Before cloning the code, make sure you have Git Large File Storage (Git LFS) installed. Please see instructions for downloading and installing Git LFS on the linked website. Note that the data files will not function properly, due to their size, if you just download the zipped file. After installing Git LFS,
(i) clone the repository as usual (with git clone
) to get the actual data files. Then, (ii) navigate into the folder as usual (with cd
) and (iii) pull the large data files with Git LFS (git lfs pull
and then git lfs install
). Finally, (iv) copy the Data
folder into the heuristics_and_mips
Further, before running the code, make sure you have the below installed and linked with their respective paths (see instructions on installation on their respective pages):
- python3
- numpy
- pandas
- geopy
- pyomo
- gurobi
Please refer to the preprint for the terminology. The repository is structured as follows:
: This folder contains the data for the four instances. For each instance, there is a file containing the travel probabilities$P_{ij}$ (e.g.,instance_1_travel_dict.json.pbz2
) and a file containing the rest of the input data in a dataframe (e.g.,instance_1_users_and_facs.csv
). For each instance, we also provide a corresponding instance where the capacity has been scaled to$C_j = \sum_{i \in I} U_i P_{ij}$ (instance_1_suff_users_and_facs.csv
). To load the data, we provide the functionload_an_instance
. See an example of loading Instance 1 without sufficient capacity just below.users
is the set$I$ andfacs
is the set$J$ . Note that in our use of the instances we scale the input capacities by a factor. Ifcap_factor
is provided as an input to the function, then set it: to 1.0 for any of the sufficient capacity instances, to 1.5 for Instance 1 or Instance 2, and to 0.8 for Instance 3 or Instance 4.
users_and_facs_df, travel_dict, users, facs = load_an_instance(1, False)
: This folder contains the main part of the code. We briefly describe the purpose of each of the
: This file contains the code for all the BFLP
: This file contains the code for running the BFLP
: This file contains all the BUAP heuristics and also implementations of those that are just needed for use within the BFLP heuristics; e.g., the optimization ofrelaxation rounding
when used in the first version ofclose greedy
: This file contains the code for running the BUAP MIP and also for editing the model, as needed forrelaxation rouding
with the first version ofclose greedy
: This file contains functions for running all the heuristics across multiple budget factors and input parameters. For each BFLP heuristic, we provide a function for running the heuristics with multiple inputs (see the function name starting withget_
). Results are written in JSON files; we also provide a function for converting these results into more easily readable Excel tables (see the function name starting withwrite_
). All results created are saved in theown_results
folder, which is created if it does not exist yet. For the BUAP, there is a function that runs all the heuristics on a single instance and the corresponding function which writes the results into a
: This file contains a few subroutines that are useful for reading and writing data, and some subroutines that are used in multiple
: This file contains a concrete example of how to run the functions in the repository. The lineresults =
may be changed to run the relevant heuristic (with the appropriate data input existing).
We provide a short concrete example of how to run this code in the
file. To run the file, make sure you have navigated to the appropriate repository folder in your terminal. Then, run the file from the terminal using python3 ./heuristics_and_mips/
or directly from a python interface (such as, Spyder). In this example, by default, we run the open greedy
algorithm on Instance 1. The algorithm tests out how different values for the parameters instance_1_BFLP_MIP.json
in the own_results
Similarly, to run the close greedy
algorithm, or the BFLP and BUAP models, just copy-paste the corresponding get_ command as we explained above into the main file and run it.