The MERN Stack E-commerce Platform is a robust online shopping application developed using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js). It provides a seamless shopping experience with a wide range of products, detailed product information, secure payment processing, and efficient order management.
Key Features:
User Authentication: Secure registration and login using JWT.
Product Listings: Dynamic listings with categories and filters.
Product Details: High-quality images, descriptions, pricing, and reviews.
Shopping Cart: Add, remove, and adjust product quantities.
Order Management: Track orders and view order history.
Admin Panel: Manage products, categories, orders, and users.
Search Functionality: Efficient search to find specific products.
Payment Integration: Secure payment processing with gateways like PayPal
Responsive Design: Mobile-friendly and responsive for all devices.
Technologies Used:
Front-End: React.js, React Router, CSS/Bootstrap.
Back-End: Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Mongoose.
Security: JWT for authentication, BCrypt for password hashing.
Project Significance:
This platform is a comprehensive and scalable solution demonstrating proficiency in the MERN stack. It focuses on providing a rich user experience through a responsive design and efficient functionality. Developed to showcase skills in full-stack development, it integrates modern technologies to deliver a high-performance e-commerce solution.