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Malte Luttermann edited this page Oct 12, 2020 · 10 revisions

FinanceList-Desktop Wiki

FinanceList-Desktop is a cross-platform finance manager. FinanceList-Desktop allows you to keep track of all your expenses very easily. You can filter the collected data by categories, by names, by dates, by prices, and more.

There are two main pages, namely the overview page and the balances page. Additionally, there is a settings and a help page. You can find more information about these pages below.

Overview Page


The overview page is the starting point of the application and it gives you an overview of all your budgets. You can add new budgets and edit budgets here as well. Moreover, this is the place where you can add new transactions. Transactions can be recurring, i.e., they can be executed repeatedly at a given interval rate and there is an overview of all recurring transactions on this page as well.

Another feature is automated allocation: Automated allocation allows you to split your earnings across multiple budgets by a given distribution policy, i.e., you can set a percentage value for each budget and each budget will get this percentage of the total sum.

The overview page contains some more overviews:

  • Monthly Surplus: This section shows the difference of earnings and spendings per budget in the current month.
  • Recent Spendings: Shows the last few transactions of type spending.
  • Recent Earnings: Shows the last fe transactions of type earning.

Balances Page

Balances-1 Balances-2

On the balances page, you can filter your data by different criteria. The resulting overview allows you to sort and edit your transactions or to take a look at a visual representation of the data in form of a chart.

Settings Page


This page is for adjusting the settings of the application. Currently, there are three possible settings you can maintain:

  1. File Path: The path where all your data should be stored. You can adjust this path as you like.
  2. Currency: The currency symbol which should be displayed. Possible symbols are Euro, Dollar and Pound.
  3. User Profile: The application allows multiple user profiles at once. This means that each user profile has his own data folder and user profiles are separated from each other. They share the same settings though - because this feature is not necessarily meant to encourage multiple persons to use the same application; instead the idea is that a person can have multiple profiles like 'private', 'company' or something similar.

Help Page

The help page is pretty empty - it only contains a link to this Wiki to give users some help and a link to the issues of this repository for users to report bugs or request new features.

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