Aim is to propose a simple algorithm that read, parse, store, process and display financial data for individuals πΈ.
Project pitched and started the 11th december 2020
- First expected release the friday 15th december 2020
- Second expected release the 10th january 2021
π₯οΈ Set your Virtual Environment:
# Download venv librairy apt-get install python3-venv -y # Create your venv python3 -m venv venv # Activate your venv . venv/bin/activate
For more information, go to Python Virtual Environment Official Documentation.
π¦ Install the project dependencies:
apt install python3-pip pip install PTable pip install Flask pip install PyPDF2
Database configuration:
mkdir -p back/database/ && touch back/database/accounting.db mkdir -p data/sg/ # create the input directory for file integration
To start the backend server, simply run bellow commands:
export export FLASK_ENV=development flask run # * Running on
- Create schema
- Try to use some DB framework
- Fix the duplicate issue
- Create account
- Fake few payments
- Compute few metrics
Expose data
- Flask
- GraphQL ~> not very effective
Design API (Postman ~> not effective)
Insert payments ?
Expose metrics
- CSV from Societe Generale
- Get all files in directory
- read each file, one after the other
- Parser rows and map to RawPayments
- Save in database
- Generic object's management in database
- If file is duplicate => skip
- View all payments and duplications between files (count same lines in file and across files)
- CSV from N26
- 4% of the database (72/1685 payments) is corrupted by duplicated values from different files
- CSV from Societe Generale
- Low level stats
- Total credit/debit for quantity and amount
- Min, Max, Avg, opening, closing
- Handle consumption periods (~daily, weekly, monthly)
- Add periodicity: Trimester, Semester
- Metrics column info
- Add header info line for metrics column
- Add footer avg line for metrics column
- Identify FIXED income and expenses (try to rely on LABELS)
- Define profile
- string similarity calculation to identify recurrent transactions
- Low level stats
Filter v2
- Allow labeling (Add, remove, reset)
- Auto labeling on token
- Available labels: transport, rent, salary, phone, AMZ, SG, Healthcare...
- Filter payments on account & list of labels
- Ensure payments uniqueness
- Group some labels together (expose groups to client ?)
- Filter payments on account & group
- Percentage of payments (qty & amount) labeled (or group) for a given period
- Pie chart for example
Filter v1 (Click to expand)
- Labels
Tag all payments
Define groups based on tags
Create groups that matches perfectly one tag, multiple tags or other groups
Apply metrics on groups
Allow enforced new tag for payment id
Count payments in groups
Count payments untagged
Identify overlapping tags
Auto labeling on rules
Endpoint for labeling
Create categories and pattern that fall in this category
- Courses
- Amazon
Can 2 categories share same payments ?
- Need exclusive categories for global expenses pie-chart
- and non-exclusive
Integrate PDFs
- Download all PDFs available from banking platforms
- Read Parse (PyPDF2, tabula)
- Extract data ~> not very effective
- Store raw payments
- Design first diagram of internal services
- Try coding schema
- Add the schema to README
- Define API specification using Swagger
- Design first diagram of internal services
- Consumption map on a calendar just like github contribution calendar
- Display payments curve