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Advanced Multiple AllPixels

Adam Haile edited this page Jun 27, 2017 · 7 revisions

Now for some really fun stuff...

The AllPixel has a limit of 700 pixels per board which is probably enough for most projects, but what if you need more? Or what if you want to use different types of LEDs and control them all at the same time? BiblioPixel can automatically take one, large, logical display and divide it up between multiple AllPixels. A basic example is below:

from bibliopixel.led import *
from bibliopixel.drivers.serial import *
import bibliopixel.colors as colors

driverA = Serial(LEDTYPE.LPD8806, 100, deviceID = 1)
driverB = Serial(LEDTYPE.APA102, 50, deviceID = 2)

led = Strip([driverA, driverB])

for i in range(150):
   led.fill(colors.Red, 0, i)

As you can see, instead of passing LEDStrip a single driver, you can give it multiple driver configurations and the display will be split between the two separate strips. There's a lot of options in how this can be configured, which is a discussion better suited for the official Multiple Driver BiblioPixel Wiki page

Basic Animations