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Adam Haile edited this page Jun 24, 2017 · 1 revision

class bibliopixel.Cube

Cube provides methods to control a full 3D layout of pixels. It inherits from Layout and provides all of its public methods and properties.


(driver, x, y, z, coordMap = None, threadedUpdate = False, brightness=255)

  • driver - A driver class or list of driver classes that inherit from bibliopixel.drivers.driver_base.DriverBase. See the Drivers page for more info.
  • x - Required: x dimension of layout
  • y - Required: y dimension of layout
  • z - Required: z dimension of layout
  • coordMap - A basic, serpentine, 3D layout will be auto-generated if this is not provided. If you require more control use bibliopixel.layout.gen_cube()
  • threadedUpdate - Display updates will run in background thread if True. Defaults to False.
  • masterBrightness - Default master brightness value, 0-255


(x, y, z, color)

  • x - x coordinate of pixel
  • y - y coordinate of pixel
  • z - z coordinate of pixel
  • color - RGB tuple, (r,g,b), representing the color to set.

Set value of pixel at (x,y, z) coordinate to given color or texture color.


(x, y, z)

  • x - x coordinate of pixel
  • y - y coordinate of pixel
  • z - z coordinate of pixel

Returns RGB tuple, (r,g,b), if pixel is in bounds. Otherwise returns (0,0,0).


(x, y, z, hsv)

  • x - x coordinate of pixel
  • y - y coordinate of pixel
  • z - z coordinate of pixel
  • hsv - 8-bit HSV tuple (h,s,v)

Convenience method for setting color with an 8-bit HSV tuple value.


(x, y, z, r, g, b)

  • x - x coordinate of pixel
  • y - y coordinate of pixel
  • z - z coordinate of pixel
  • r - 8-bit (0-255) Red color component.
  • g - 8-bit (0-255) Green color component.
  • b - 8-bit (0-255) Blue color component.

Convenience method for setting color with individual components instead of RGB tuple.

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