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Releases: Manticore-007/OpenRCT2-PeepEditor

Peep Editor 24.7.7-beta

19 Oct 06:28
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This version is a beta release so it works with OpenRCT2 v4.12 and higher. Not all features are 100% functional, but the most important ones are that most players are used to. I don't have a release date determined.

Peep Editor beta

Peep Editor 23.11.29

29 Nov 13:00
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🐛 bugfix: Side WIndow didn't update properly after selecting a guest after a staff member or vice versa.

Peep Editor 23.11.14

14 Nov 12:11
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🐛 bugfix: Network Desynchronisation while moving a frozen peep with a mulitplier of 10x or 100x

Peep Editor 23.7.23

23 Jul 11:16
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🐛 bugfix in dropdown for stafftype and staff costume

Peep Editor 23.5.17

17 May 14:38
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  • Added the new colournames in staff properties
  • updated targetApiVersion from 70 to 77

Peep Editor 23.1.1

29 Jan 18:31
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Added multiplayer support.

Peep Editor 23.1.0

28 Jan 15:00
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Peep Editor had a makeover. It has a new user interface, some new features and the version numbering has changed.

PeepEditor v1.2

04 Sep 19:27
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  • Added a sack staff button (same as in de staff menu in the game itself).
  • Added functionality to finetune the location of the frozen staffmembers.

PeepEditor v1.1

23 Jan 15:07
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  • New staff UI
  • on-the-fly changing stafftype
  • costume changable

PeepEditor v1.0

02 Jan 10:04
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The first release of PeepEditor for OpenRCT2.