The Mandelbrot fractal is a mathematically generated psychedelic image that resembles itself across different scales. Zoom in and out on the fractal to explore it! You can gradually apply a maximum zoom of around 1:10^15 discovering countless fractal underworlds in the process.
A user interface gives you the ability to modify the fractal colors and apply configure the fractal generation method.
Fractal Zoom - generated in the application
Algorithm to calculate a section of the fractal. Using intrinsics to utilize AVX2.
bool Fractal::calc_section_avx(char* data, const int width, const int iters, Colour rgb,
const Point2D pix_tl, const Point2D pix_br, const Point2D frac_tl,
const Point2D frac_br) noexcept
const double scale_x = (frac_br.x - frac_tl.x) / (pix_br.x - pix_tl.x);
const double scale_y = (frac_br.y - frac_tl.y) / (pix_br.y - pix_tl.y);
double pos_y = frac_tl.y;
int offset_y = 0;
int x, y;
/* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- */
/* ---------- Intrinsics ---------- */
/* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- */
// Double Registers
__m256d _zr, _zi, _zr2, _zi2, _cr, _ci, _auxDouble1, _auxDouble2, _maskDouble;
__m256d _two = _mm256_set1_pd(2.0), _four = _mm256_set1_pd(4.0);
__m256d _xScale = _mm256_set1_pd(scale_x), _xSkip = _mm256_set1_pd(scale_x * 4);
__m256d _xPos, _xPosOffset = _mm256_mul_pd(_mm256_set_pd(0, 1, 2, 3), _xScale);
// Integer Registers
__m256i _n, _maskInt, _auxInt;
__m256i _one = _mm256_set1_epi64x(1), _iters = _mm256_set1_epi64x(iters);
for (y = static_cast<int>(pix_tl.y); y < pix_br.y; ++y) {
_auxDouble1 = _mm256_set1_pd(frac_tl.x);
_xPos = _mm256_add_pd(_auxDouble1, _xPosOffset);
_ci = _mm256_set1_pd(pos_y);
for (x = static_cast<int>(pix_tl.x); x < pix_br.x; x += 4) {
//std::complex<double> z{ 0.0, 0.0 };
_zr = _mm256_setzero_pd();
_zi = _mm256_setzero_pd();
//std::complex<double> c{ pos_x, pos_y };
_cr = _xPos;
//int n{ 0 };
_n = _mm256_setzero_si256();
//while ()
// z.real() = z.real() * z.real() - z.imag() * z.imag() + c.real()
_zr2 = _mm256_mul_pd(_zr, _zr);
_zi2 = _mm256_mul_pd(_zi, _zi);
_auxDouble1 = _mm256_sub_pd(_zr2, _zi2);
_auxDouble2 = _mm256_mul_pd(_zr, _zi);
_zr = _mm256_add_pd(_auxDouble1, _cr);
_zi = _mm256_fmadd_pd(_auxDouble2, _two, _ci);
// z.real() * z.real() + z.imag() * z.imag() < 4
_auxDouble1 = _mm256_add_pd(_zr2, _zi2);
_maskDouble = _mm256_cmp_pd(_auxDouble1, _four, _CMP_LT_OQ);
// iters > n
_maskInt = _mm256_cmpgt_epi64(_iters, _n);
// (z.real() * z.real() + z.imag() * z.imag() < 4 && n < iters)
_maskInt = _mm256_and_si256(_maskInt, _mm256_castpd_si256(_maskDouble));
// ++n
_auxInt = _mm256_and_si256(_one, _maskInt);
_n = _mm256_add_epi64(_n, _auxInt);
// if cond true true, keeps iterating
if (_mm256_movemask_pd(_mm256_castsi256_pd(_maskInt)) > 0)
goto repeat;
_xPos = _mm256_add_pd(_xPos, _xSkip);
/* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- */
/* ---------- End of Intrinsics ---------- */
/* ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- */
char* pix = &data[3 * (offset_y + x)];
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; --i) {
// reg _n contains [pix3 n][pix2 n][pix1 n][pix0 n]
const int n = static_cast<int>(int(_n.m256i_i64[i]));
char r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
if (n < iters) {
r = static_cast<char>(256 *
(0.5 * sin(0.1f * n + rgb.r) + 0.5));
g = static_cast<char>(256 *
(0.2 * sin(0.1f * n + rgb.g) + 0.5));
b = static_cast<char>(256 *
(0.5 * sin(0.1f * n + rgb.b) + 0.5));
pix[0] = r;
pix[1] = g;
pix[2] = b;
pix += 3;
pos_y += scale_y;
offset_y += width;
return true;
Regular algorithm to generate a section of the fractal. AVX2 disabled.
bool Fractal::calc_section(char* data, const int width, const int iters, const Colour rgb,
const Point2D pix_tl, const Point2D pix_br, const Point2D frac_tl,
const Point2D frac_br) noexcept
const double scale_x = (frac_br.x - frac_tl.x) / (pix_br.x - pix_tl.x);
const double scale_y = (frac_br.y - frac_tl.y) / (pix_br.y - pix_tl.y);
double pos_y = frac_tl.y;
int offset_y = 0;
for (int y = static_cast<int>(pix_tl.y); y < pix_br.y; ++y) {
double pos_x = frac_tl.x;
for (int x = static_cast<int>(pix_tl.x); x < pix_br.x; ++x) {
std::complex<double> z = { 0.0, 0.0 };
std::complex<double> c = { pos_x, pos_y };
int n = 0;
while (z.real() * z.real() + z.imag() * z.imag() < 4 && n < iters) {
z = { z.real() * z.real() - z.imag() * z.imag() + c.real(),
2 * z.real() * z.imag() + c.imag() };
char* pix = &data[3 * (offset_y + x)];
char r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
if (n < iters) {
r = static_cast<char>(256 * (0.5 * sin(0.1f * n + rgb.r) + 0.5));
g = static_cast<char>(256 * (0.2 * sin(0.1f * n + rgb.g) + 0.5));
b = static_cast<char>(256 * (0.5 * sin(0.1f * n + rgb.b) + 0.5));
pix[0] = r;
pix[1] = g;
pix[2] = b;
pos_x += scale_x;
pos_y += scale_y;
offset_y += width;
return true;
You can either clone the repository and generate the project with GenerateProject.bat or directly access the lastest binaries.
MOUSE WHEEL BUTTON (click and drag) ----- move around the Fractal.
UP and DOWN keys ----- zoom in and out.
LEFT and RIGHT keys ----- decrease or increase the fractal detail level.
SPACEBAR key ----- take a screenshot.
ESC key ----- quit the application.
Use Settings interface to play around with the colouring and other configurations.
Source Code
Engine progress:
- Application Engine set up
- (Dev Tool) Logger implemented
- (Dev Tool) Function Timer implemented
- (Dev Tool) Project generation generation using Premake
- (Dev Tool) Pixel Engine Integration
- (Dev Tool) Memory Allocations tracker
- (Dev Tool) Using precompiled headers
- Fractal algorithm multithreading
- GLFW and OpenGL (GLEW) integration (Pixel Engine replaced)
- Window Abstraction and platform specific Window implementation for Windows
- Custom Event Manager
- ImGui Layer Abstraction and platform specific implementation
- Fractal Generation using AVX2 CPU vector extensions (Compiler Intrinsics)
- (Dev Tool) CPU SIMD Features inspector implemented
Fractal application progress:
- Bitmap Images Generation
- Mandelbrot Fractal Generation
- Histogram Colouring
- Static zoom application
- Real Time Fractal Generation
- Real Time Sinusoidal Colouring
- Screenshots
- UI and fractal configuration in real time
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