$ git clone git@github.com:Maopy/vue1-multipage-starter.git <yourAppName>
$ rm -rf .git
$ cd <yourAppName>
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
$ npm run build
|- config # Configurations for bundles |- src # The source code of the application |- client # client-side script |- assets # Static files like pic etc. |- components # Vue components |- modules # pages' entry |- server # Server-side startup script template.html # Static pages template |- dist # The folder for compiled output |- webpack # Webpack configurations build.js # Builds the project from source to output (build) folder utils.js # Utility snippets webpack.config.base.babel.js # Webpack base configurations webpack.config.dev.babel.js # Webpack configurations for development webpack.config.prod.babel.js # Webpack configurations for production
This repo is an almost full-featured starter for Vue multi
SPA project.
You could use it as a base to build your own web app.
- Generate HTML files that includes webpack bundles & CSS assets automatic by multiple entry points
- Support hot module replacement. The Koa server can be a browserSync proxy, either can be a production server
- Generate assets files with eight-digit hash of the content of the extracted file, in order to cache on the server, even replace to your own CDN url
- Use tomorrow’s CSS syntax, today! Auto adding vendor prefixes to adapt Android 4+、 iOS 7+
- Vux as base UI Frame
- allow to develop multi SPA
- vuex data flow
- ESNEXT compile to ES5
- CSS nano
- postcss flexible
- eslint standard