Some notes taken when I am studying Mathematical skills, still updating.
These codes will make it more convenient while programming on Maths (Mainly calculus).
julia> ]
(@v1.10) pkg> add Calculus
(@v1.10) pkg> add ForwardDiff
(Actually I don't want to upload these codes to Julia Packages, since they are too simple)
julia> include("Desktop/MathsNotes.jl") # Here I put the codes on Desktop
julia> using .MathsNotes
Note: The reason I made the macro is that both those two library have their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, when you find it wrong using one lib, you can change the library you use at any time.
This macro (@uselib
) will define (or redefine) the function d
, which all the other functions depend on.
(As reference, I found that the library Calculus support more kinds of functions, while the library ForwardDiff is more accurate)
julia> @uselib Calculus
d (generic function with 2 method)
The codes contains functions providing these features:
Real Analysis: derivative, derivative function, second and higher derivative (and their corresponding functions), partial derivative (function), l'Hospital's rule.
Numeric Analysis: Lagrange's Interpolation, ASR (Adaptive Simpson's Rule)
Harmonic Analysis: CFS (Continuous Fourier Series), Whittaker-Shannon's Interpolation
Differential Geometry: curvature
Elementary Number Theory: Rational Root Theorem.
Note: the derivative function calculator will NOT do any symbolic calculations, as it is just a abbreviation for x -> d(f, x)
julia> @uselib ForwardDiff
d (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> f = d(x -> x)
#1 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> f(8)
julia> d(x -> x, Inf)
julia> d²(sin, π)
julia> d²(sin, π/2)
julia> dⁿ(sin, 4, π/2)
julia> ∂((x, y) -> x^2 + y^2, 2)(6) # Same as `∂((x, y) -> x^2 + y^2, 2; n=1)(6)`, which `(6)` is the other variable(s).
julia> κ(x -> x - sin(x), x -> 1 - cos(x), π) # Curvature
julia> lHôpital(x -> sind(180*x), x -> x^2-1, 1)
julia> @uselib Calculus
d (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> lHôpital(x -> exp(-1/x^2), x -> x^2, 0)
julia> rrt([3, -31, 102, -111, -1, 30]) # Finding the rational roots of 30x⁵-x⁴-111x³+102x²-31x+3=0, and return the polynomial formed from the irrational roots of the original polynomial additionally.
(Rational[1//2, 1//3, 1//5], Polynomial(-90//1 + 30//1*x + 30//1*x^2))
- L'Hospital's Rule calculator sometimes gives different answers using different libs.