Configuration: these are the defaults:
let g:local_vimrc = {'names':['.vimrc','.vimrc.lua'], 'hash_fun':'LVRHashOfFile'}
Mind that lua files can be sourced the same way so using .vimrc.lua or similar should just be fine.
When Vim starts up, every directory from root to the directory of the file is traversed and special files such as .(local-)vimrc files are sourced
Because you don't want to run untrusted code by accident, this plugin calculates a hash before sourcing. If its unknown you must confirm sourcing the file. The hash is updated automatically if you write a local vimrc file.
if you change a directory and edit a file the local vimrc files are resourced
create a .vimrc in your project directory. To make sure it's working, add: echo "this file is being sourced by vim"
" using vim-addon-sql providing alias aware SQL completion for .sql files and PHP:
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.sql,*.php call vim_addon_sql#Connect('mysql',{'database':'DATABASE', 'user':'USER', 'password' : 'PASSWORD'})
" for php use tab as indentation character. Display a tab as 4 spaces:
" autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.php set noexpandtab| set tabstop=4 | set sw=4
autocmd FileType php setlocal noexpandtab| setlocal tabstop=4 | setlocal sw=4
" hint: for indentation settings modelines can be an alternative as well as
" various plugins trying to set vim's indentation based on file contents.
augroup end
KISS: If you need filetype support write au commands into the local vimrc.
Yes I know that there are already a couple of existing similar plugins. But I they work for filetypes only (why?) and they don't verify file contents.
directory local .vimrc without walking up directory tree using vim builtin 'exrc' option: :h 'exrc' :h 'secure' but 'secure' is not very secure, eg echo system('cat .vimrc') is executed unless the file belongs to a different owner..
Thiago de Arruda (